Homonyms (jokes) (Gareth Pitchford) 
- Homonyms (Valerie Ryan)

- Homophone Riddles (Erika Cross)

Homophones (Angie Gore) 
- Homophones (Shazia Naguthney)

 Grammar Starter: Homophones (Ivan Kettlewell) 
Homophones (Gareth Pitchford) HTML
Homonyms (cards) (Sheena Florey) PDF
Homophones (Fifo Martin) PDF
Homophones (James Batterham) DOC
Homophones Worksheet (Jo Szyndler) DOC - Computer Version DOC
Homophones Worksheet (easier) (Jo Szyndler) DOC
Homophones Posters (Samantha Norling) DOC
Homophone Cards (Suzanne McGhee) DOC
Homophone Story (Vicky Frampton) DOC
- to, two and too (Lindsay Carmichael)

- Using to, too and two (Hayley Roberts) DOC
- There & Their (Ian Mason) PDF
- Was & Were (Ian Mason) PDF
- Were, Where, Wear and We're (Jemma Holden) DOC
 they/there, where/were (Linda Hall) DOC
 too, two & to (Linda Hall) DOC
Homophone Searches 2 (Peter Barnett) PDF
Homophone Searches 4 (Peter Barnett) PDF
 Homonyms (Listen and Select) (Felecia Rose) DOC
- Homophones Display (Katie Hunt) PDF
 Homonyms (ee/ea) (Hannah Smith) 
- Homonyms Quizzes (Peter Barnett) PDF
- Harder Homonyms Quizzes (Peter Barnett) PDF
- Fill in the Blanks Sentences (Linda Cook) PDF
Homophone Hop (Teresa Phillips) DOC
 Punny Jokes (B. Gove) 
- Which Witch is Which? (H. Ward) DOC
 You or You're (J. Newsome) DOC
- 50 Homophone Puzzles (Peter Barnett)

- 50 More Homophone Puzzles (Peter Barnett)

- 50 Homonym Puzzles (Peter Barnett)

- 50 More Homonym Puzzles (Peter Barnett)

- Looking at Homonyms (Dot Hullah)

- Opposite Adjectives (Jim Usher)

- Homophones Passage (Karen McVea)

More Homophones (Angie Gore) 
Homophones (3 sheets) (Ian Mason) PDF
Homophones (higher) (Michelle Haskew) PDF
Homophones (3 levels) (Shaun Nicholls) DOC
Homophone Whiteboard Game (Andrew Clarke) Teacher's Copy PDF - Student's Copy PDF
Homophones (Suzanne McGhee) DOC
Spot the Homophones! (Vicky Frampton) DOC
Correct the Homophones Story (Tracey Donkin) DOC
 Homophones (Linda Hall) DOC
- Where, Were and Wear (Ian Mason) PDF
- Two, To and Too (Ian Mason) PDF
- Spelling: Difficult Words (Ian Mason) PDF
- Homophone Worksheets (Louise Pickering) PDF
Homophone Dominoes (Alison Harriman) DOC
- Their, They're and There (Jemma Holden) DOC
 their or there? (Linda Hall) DOC
 Confusing Words (Melanie Braithwaite) DOC
Homophone Searches (Peter Barnett) PDF
Homophone Searches 3 (Peter Barnett) PDF
- Homophone Picture Cards (Marthese Micalef) DOC
Homophones (Susan Garrity) DOC
 Our or Are? (W Jones)
Are/Our Sheet (Linda Hall) DOC
 Their, There and They're (David Studd) 
 Spelling There, Their and They're (Linda Kielty) 
 Their, There or They're Story (Sharon Young) DOC
their / there / they're (Angela Bentley) DOC
 Grammar Starter: There, Their or They're? (Ivan Kettlewell) 
Homophone Riddles (Chris Hardwidge) DOC
- Are or Our? (Carolyn Bourner)

 Homophones (Iqra Anwar) DOC
'Where-wolves don't do Grammar' Poem (Mark Allder & Y4) 
 There and Where Homophones (Paula Alty) 
 Homophones with Definitions (Alison Richman) DOC
- Homophones Song (Jim Shaw)
