- Measuring Centimeters with a Ruler (Roy Finney)
- Measuring with a ruler (Adrian Chorlton) PDF
- Resources: OHP ruler PDF
Clock Scale PDF (Adrian Chorlton)
- Measuring (Cathy Genovese) PDF
- Measuring in cm and mm (2 sheets) (Carol Daley) DOC
- Length Conversion (WWtbaM) (Angela Mance)
- Measuring using cms (Vicky Frampton) DOC
- mm, cm or m? (Zoe Mayston) DOC
- Pairs (mm, cm, m) (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
- Equivalent Lengths (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
- Length Measuring Equipment (Paul Cogan) DOC
- My Measurements (David G. Lazell)
- Scaled Measurements (Caroline McCabe)
- cm and m (M Jacobs) PDF
- Measuring with a tape measure (Teresa Charles) PDF
- Measuring (4 Sheets) (Lynne Hardwidge) PDF
- Appropriate Units of Length (Juana Craig) DOC
- Length Units Display (Sarah Melbourne)
- How Long is Your Step? (Saul Molina) PDF
- Made to Measure (cm/mm) (Dave Thomas) PDF
- Reading Scales (Carl Ward)
- Scales Space Challenge (Carl Ward)
- Reading Scales (Jennifer Craft)
- Shortest to Tallest (Faheema Seedat) DOC
- Size Ordering (Gareth Pitchford)
- Caterpillar Lengths (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- Compare Sizes (Lisa Baker) DOC
- Pencil Lengths (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- Measuring in cubes & cms (Val Collier) DOC
- Measuring in cms (Emily Haggath)
- Measuring: Taller or Shorter than Me (Louisa Ayling) DOC
- Measuring: Shortest to Tallest (Louisa Ayling) DOC
- Measuring Lengths (NS Units) (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- Measuring Length (Cath Collinge)
- Measuring: Using our bodies (Louisa Ayling) DOC
- Measure (Ian Mason) Sheet 1 PDF - Sheet 2 PDF - Sheet 3 PDF
- Length Extension Work (Goldilocks) (Ciara Burns) DOC
- Measuring (Distance) Display (Emma Lunt) DOC
- More/Less than 10cm (Antoinette Payne) DOC
- Measuring Length (Charlotte Harvey) DOC
- Longer or Shorter than 1 metre (Paula Alty) DOC
- Measuring Pencils (Gill Hurst) DOC
- Measuring (and Estimating) Length (cms) (Mark Wilson) DOC
- Measuring and Drawing (cms) (Ashley Elks) DOC
- Measuring to Nearest cms or mms (Morag Watson)
- Finger Measuring Investigation (Diane Marshall)
- Completing the Scale (Howard Seymour)
- Investigating mms and cms (Sarah Terry) DOC
- Measure the Lines (Helen Chapman) DOC
- Ordering Measures (Mez Miles)
- Measuring Length (cm/m) (Lydia Robards)
- Choose the Correct Unit (Distance) (Paula Alty)
- Measuring Length in cm and mm (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
- Reading (Rulers) Scales (Hazel Burt)
- Measuring in cm and mm (Emma Fenn)
- Measure and Draw Accurately (mm/cm) (Jim Usher)
- Estimate and Measure (mm/cm) (Jim Usher)
- Measuring Lines (Craig Stevens) PDF
- Converting km and m (Carrie Magee) DOC
- Reading Scales (Howard Seymour)
- Measuring Lines (Lucy Hall) DOC
- Choose the Units(Hazel Burt)
- Measure and Estimate 1kg (Rebecca Poole) DOC
- Estimate, Measure & Record (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
- Measuring with Accuracy (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
- Measures Posters (Amanda Hollis) DOC
- Converting mm/cm/m (Paula Alty) DOC
- T2 U4 Measures (David Arthur)
- Measuring (nearest half cm or mm) (Tony Chapman)
- Length of Fish (Paul Cogan) DOC
- Measuring Lines (mixed cm/mm) (Martin Lowe) DOC
- Dinosaur Lengths (Katherine Dobbie)
- Joe Average (Wesley Buzza) DOC
- Equivalent Lengths (cm/m) (Rosie Morgan) DOC
- Converting Lengths (Daryl West) DOC
- Vitruvian Man (Measuring Activity) (Tom Arnold) DOC
- Reading Scales (Jess Fenton)
- Cut and Stick Equivalent Lengths (Lisa Carr) DOC
- Measuring Picture (Brenda Vaughan) DOC
- Travelling Distances (Claire Allen) DOC
- Converting Metric Length Units (Unit 1 Block D) (Lesley Richmond) DOC
- Holywood Heights (GP)
- Convert cm to mm (Jim Usher)
- Converting Measurements (Nicola Middleton) DOC
- Converting km to m (Vicky Perry) DOC
- Metric Units Jigsaw (Peter Barnett)
- Measuring in cms and mms (Polly Marshall) PDF
- Converting Metric Lengths (Meryl York) DOC
- Reading Scales: Capacity (Cathryn Jones)
- AFL Players (Renee Casalis)
- Gone to the Dogs! (Renee Casalis)
- Converting mm - cm - m (Sarah Melbourne)
- Converting Lengths cm/m (Pete Bailey)
- Length Conversions (Sarah Addicott)
- Converting m and cm (Lisa Newman)