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Artist Study
Gary Goodfellow writes: "At St Hugh’s School, we spend half a term looking at styles of different artists, this is done from year one to year six. Artistic periods ranging from Renaissance to Fauvism, Impressionism to Expressionism and Cubism to Modernism are studied. Children use a wide selection of materials ranging from watercolour to poster paint and from oil pastel to graphite pencils. This is a selection of work from our artist studies:"
Year Six- Starry Night, Van Gogh.Oil Pastel and Water Colour
Year Six- Canal Bridge, Lowry.Graphite Pencil and Water Colour
Year Four- Head of A Man, Klee. Collage of brown and black paper (painted using watercolours to achieve different tones)
Year Four- The Scream, Munch. Oil Pastel
Year Two- White Camelia, Georgia O’ Keefe Water Colour
Year One-Colour Study and Concentric Circles, Kandinsky. Oil Pastel, Poster Paint and Chalk