Polish: Days of the Week (Hayley Everest) DOC
Polish: Numbers (Hayley Everest) DOC
"Please Repeat" Banner 1 (Kim Barnes) PDF
Polish: Months of the Year (Hayley Everest) DOC
'How are You?' in Different Languages (Julie Perry) DOC
"Please Repeat" Banner 2 (Kim Barnes) PDF
Days of the Week (Korean) (Emma Soden) 
Days of the Week (Pashto) (Emma Soden) 
Months of the Year (Korean) (Emma Soden) 
Months of the Year (Pashto) (Emma Soden) 
Science Vocab (Korean) (Emma Soden) 
Science Vocab (Pashto) (Emma Soden) 
Simple Phrases (Pashto) (Emma Soden) 
- Translated Letters for Schools (DGT EAZ)

Materials Signs (Polish/Latvia/Lithuanian/Portuguese) (Claire Humphreys) 
Body Parts (Polish/Lithuanian/Portuguese) (Claire Humphreys) 
Arabic - English Colour Matching (K. Barzegar) DOC
Please also see the Primary Languages section
for language teaching resources and
also the Welsh Resources section for
material in and about teaching Welsh. |