Aztec Cross-Curricular Topic (T1, 7 Weeks) Planning (Robert della-Spina) DOC Zipped
Associated Linking Unit (Robert della-Spina) DOC Zipped
Culture Week: Australia (Jo Taylor) 
Thinker's Skills Project: Europe (Liz Keylock) DOC
- Heracles Day (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
- Science Day (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
- Topic Web: Great Fire of London (Julie McAllister) DOC
 The Highland Clearances - A Storyline Approach ( D/E) (Janette Bond) DOC Zipped
 Autumn Watch - Planning & Resources ( D/E) (Janette Bond) DOC Zipped
- Hot and Cold Topic Web (P5) (Angie Black) DOC
- Black History Month Activities (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
 Egypt Topic Plan (Janet Ingle) DOC
 Let's Party Homework (Brooke Jones) DOC
Sample Homework Sheets NSW Y3 (Dan Ebert) Term 1 DOC - Term 2 DOC - Term 3 DOC - Term 4 DOC
- Food Around the World (Clare Foody)

- Superhero Qualities (Katie Flood)

Topic Web: Space (Betty Johnson) DOC
London Topic Web (Lee Robb) 
London Topic Assessment (Lee Robb) 
- Curriculum 2008 Planning Sheet (Mike O'Hara) DOC
 Thinker's Skills Project: Asia (Liz Keylock) DOC
- Questions of the Week (Katie Polden)

- Forensic Science Day (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
Activities DOC
- Market Activities (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
 The Trials of the Freedom Fighters (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
- Topic Web: Food (Julie McAllister) DOC
 The Victorians - A Storyline Approach ( D/E) (Janette Bond) DOC Zipped
 The Trial of Mr Jack Smith (Black History Month) (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
Cliffhangers (Coastlines) Planning (Anne Hayton) 
Adventure Island Project (Jim Usher) DOC - Feedback Sheet DOC
 The Antarctic Topic Plan (Janet Ingle) DOC
Toys Cross-Curricular Planning (Rachel Drinkwater) DOC
Keeping Warm Research Topic (Natasha Brown) DOC
- Sample Homework Grid (Dan Ebert) DOC
- Topic Self-Assessment Grid (Ruth Cunningham) DOC
Pirates Topic Ideas (Jennifer Styles) DOC
Japan Cross-Curricular Homework (Moira Marshall) DOC
Jubilee Week Activities (Christina Holmes) 