- Dress Sam- (Gareth Pitchford)

- Animal Magic (Edleston Children)

- 5 Little Speckled Frogs (K. Leeds)

- Five Little Speckled Frogs (Kathryn Daveney)

- 5 Green Bottles (K. Leeds)

- 5 Currant Buns (K. Leeds)

- 5 Little Ducks (K. Leeds)

- 10 Fat Sausages (K. Leeds)

- 5 Little Men (K. Leeds)

- 10 Green Bottles (Saffery Coates)

- Maths Songs (Michelle Wardropper)

- Letter Presentations (K. Leeds)
a - b - c - d - e - f - g -
h - i - j - k - l - m - n -
o - p - q - r - s - t - u -
v - w - x - y - z - All (Zipped)
(designed for use with Sassoon CR Infant Medium font)
Various Maths Activities (Amanda Price) 
Riddles (Amanda Price) 
- Dress the Man (Edleston Children)

- What is Orange? (K. Leeds)

- What is Purple? (K. Leeds)

- What is White? (K. Leeds)

- What is Black? (K. Leeds)

- What is Brown? (K. Leeds)

- What is Grey? (K. Leeds)

- What is Pink? (K. Leeds)

- What is Red? (K. Leeds)

- What is Yellow? (K. Leeds)

- What is Blue? (K. Leeds)

- What is Green? (K. Leeds)

- Things We Do in School (K. Leeds)

- Farm Animals (Jackie Haughin)
