- Christmas Co-ordinates (Dot Hullah)

Christmas Maths (Imelda Eaves) 
- Christmas Quiz (Stacey Hall)

- Sleigh Investigation (James Hughes)

- Christmas Assembly (Jim Usher)

Christmas Doubling Numbers (Jo Laws) 
Christmas Halving Numbers (Jo Laws) 
 Reindeer Food Advert (Alexis Houghton & Emma Dawson) 
- Christmas Around the World (Olivia Thomas)

- Christmas
- Christmas
Spot the Difference
- Christmas Spot the Difference (Colour) PDF
- Nativity
Book (Jon Don-Duncan) PDF
- Christmas
Wordsearch (Mark Lacey) PDF
- Blind
Date Christmas Play (non-religious) (Chris
Benson) PDF
- Christmas
Tree Sums (Joy Clark) PDF
- Christmas
Co-ordinates (Jennifer Keating) DOC
- Christmas
Tree Co-ordinates (Nieves Soria) DOC
- Christmas Maths Problems (Gareth Rein) DOC
- Christmas Co-ordinates 2 (Joanne Nalton) DOC
- Christmas Jokes (multiplication and subtraction) (Joanne Nalton) DOC
- Christmas Cafe Problem (Adrian Joice) PDF
- Christmas Delivery (position and direction) (Joanne Nalton) DOC
- Christmas Word Problems (Adrian Joice) PDF
- Christmas Tree Thinking Skills (Emma Tunbridge) DOC
- Christmas Poetry (Kate Edwards) DOC
 Christmas Fractions (Jo Martin) DOC
Christmas Tree Fractions (Kath Huggett) DOC
Thoughtful Advent Calendar (Clare Hughes)
Mum's Christmas Shopping List (Lisa Daniels) DOC
 Christmas Maths (Matt Shadbolt) 
Christmas Friction Investigation (Annie McMillan) DOC
- The Xmas Factor (Laura Wright) DOC
- Post Christmas Activity (Gill Foan) DOC
Christmas Shopping List (Rebecca Martland) DOC
 Christmas Problem Solving (Gill Foan) DOC
- The Twelfth Day of Christmas Maths (Andy Grimes) DOC
- Christmas Codes (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
- 'The Grinch' Newspaper (Jim Usher) DOC
- The Nativity In Verse (Andrew Curtis) DOC
Christmas Co-ordinates (Stephanie Kemp) 
 12 Days of Christmas (Ann Spandrzyk) 
Christmas Toys Data Handling (Sheila Chamberlain) DOC
- Baubles Permutations (Mark Norman) DOC
- Christmas Odds and Evens (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
- Good Deeds Advent Calendar (Jayne Rodgers) DOC
Snowman Maths (M Loveday) DOC
- Nativity Sketch (Katherine Bletso) DOC
- Advent Calendar (Richard Thomas)

- Doctor Who 'Worst Enemy' Sketch (Katherine Bletso) DOC
Christmas Addition & Subtraction Word Problems (Corinne Singleton) DOC
The Twelve Days of Christmas Fractions (Sigi Leigh) 
Polar Express Literacy Planning (Richard Colton) DOC
- Christmas Recollections (Jan Blanthorn-Hazell) DOC
Christmas Spirit Advent Calendar (Annie Butler) DOC
- Christmas Counting (Laura Mann)

- Christmas Around the World (April Hughes)

(Welsh translation by Iona Venables) 
Christmas Deliveries Maths Investigation (Pam Ingleby) 
 The Three Kings (Writing Playscripts) (Margaret McMullin) 
The Christmas Story (K. Leeds) 
- Christmas Card Ideas (Gwyneth Pocock)

- The Twelve Days of Christmas (Sarah Hart)

- Christmas
Tree Number Targets PDF
- Santa
Drama Scheme of Work PDF
- ICT:
Christmas Greeting using 'WriteAway' program (Ian Mason) PDF
- Christmas
Wordsearch #1 (Joy Clark) PDF
- Christmas
Wordsearch #2 (Joy Clark) PDF
- Christmas
Code Cracker (Lisette Baker) PDF
- Christmas
Tree Shape Poems (Arthur Daley) PDF
- Christmas
Calcograms (Lynne Woods) PDF
- Merry
Christmas, Scrooge (play) (Alex Wilkinson) DOC
- Santa
Labels (Alex Wilkinson) DOC - answers DOC
- Advent Calendar Template (Deb Cadman) PPT
- Christmas Possibilities (Numeracy) (James Batterham) DOC
- Advent Calendar Template (Stacey Hall) PDF
Christmas Dictionary (Chrissy de Gruchy) 
- Christmas Codes (Mark Milne) DOC
- The Night Before Christmas Comprehension (Carol Wright) DOC
- Christmas Word Search Template (Jim Usher) DOC
 The Nativity (Jenny Earl) PDF
 Advent Alliteration (Jenny Earl) PDF
- Email Santa (Jonathan White) DOC
- French Christmas Resources

- The First Christmas (Chris Beazeley) DOC
 Christmas Science Quiz (4c/4f) (Di Napier) DOC
Christmas Quiz (Lisa Dunn) DOC
 Christmas Writing Help (John L Bell) 
- The Rocking Carol (Trevor Davies) Various Files

- Christmas Songs Anagrams (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
Christmas Coordinates ( D1) (Stephanie Kemp) 
- Christmas Maths Word Problems (Janet Wakeman) DOC
- 'A Christmas Carol' - In Verse (Andrew Curtis) DOC
Christmas Alphabet Colouring (Faye Marshall) DOC
 Christmas Crossword (Mark Walter) DOC
Christmas Party Budget (Genevieve Lodge) DOC
 'A Christmas Carol' Play Script (Stephen Thomas) DOC - v2 DOC
- Shepherds Weekly (Justin Stretch) DOC
  Christmas Around the World Assembly (Catherine Bell) DOC
- Christmas Dinner Shopping (Gwyneth Pocock) £1 DOC - £5 DOC - £10 DOC
- Christmas Acrostic Templates (Janet Tucker) DOC
- Santa Shapes (John Montgomery)

- 12 Days of Christmas Maths (Val Beuamont) DOC
- Santa's Trip Game (Jan Brockhurst) DOC
 Snowflake Number Sentences (Natasha Teall) 
 The Nightmare Just Before Christmas (Henley Jenkins) DOC
- Santa School Timetable (Julia Webb) DOC
- 'Scrooge You Are So Miserable!' Song (Louisa Torrance) DOC
- Christmas Anagrams (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC