- History 'Child Speak' Level Descriptions (Vicky Frampton) DOC
- History Level Descriptors (Rona Dixon) DOC
- Looking
At Evidence
- Matching Evidence (Hannah Lewis)

- My Timeline (Chris Roche)
- Class Timeline (Andrea Harrison)

- Large Timeline Display (Sheila Calder) DOC
- Timeline Cards (Dominic Colley) DOC
- Timeline Cards (Jeremy Harris) DOC
- Blank Timeline (1000BC - 2000AD) (Soo Scriven)

- Scottish Timeline (Jan Watson) DOC
- How Toys Have Changed (Laura Smith)
- Old Toys (K Leeds)

The Pilgrim Fathers (Liz Parsons) DOC
- Your Big Dig (Rachel Gilmour) PDF
Guy Fawkes (Tina Wilson) DOC
- The Gunpowder Plot (K Leeds)

- Gunpowder Plot Questions (Stephanie Lamb) DOC
Bonfire Night (Kat Hester) 
Remembrance Day (Tommy) DOC
- Artefact Enquiry Sheet (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
Source Detective Booklet (Vicky Dowding) PDF
Teddy Bears (Laura McMahon) DOC
Sequencing Life Events (Steve Hitchcock) DOC
- The Space Race (cloze) (Steve Hitchcock) PDF
- The Moon Landing (cloze) (Steve Hitchcock) PDF
- The History of Space Travel (Suzy Hough)

- Homes - Now and Then (K Leeds)

- Teddy's Castle Visit (Joy Owen)

- History of London Timeline (Pauline Davies)

- Fireworks (Karen Broad)

- My Timeline (Helen Lundy) PDF
- Class Timeline (Gareth Pitchford) PUB
- Timeline Cards (Gareth Pitchford) PUB
- World History Timeline (Emma Potter)

- Great Fire of London Quiz (Debbie Edwards) DOC
The Great Fire of London (Louise Pickering) PDF
 Great Fire of London Diary (Rhian Thomas) DOC
Fire of London Vocabulary List (Louise Pickering) 
Fire of London (Kat Hester) 
Great Fire of London (WWtbaM) Quiz (Dhipa Begum) 
Fire of London Questions (Charlotte Jones) PDF
Great Fire of London (Chris Hodgson) 
Fire of London Punctuation (Sheila Neethling) DOC
- The Great Fire of London (K Leeds)

- Great Fire Newspaper Template (Sean Daly) DOC
- Inventors and Inventions (Dot Hullah)

- Millionaire - Adaptable Template for Any Subject (Mike Watson)

The Ancient Kingdom of Benin (Fidelia Nimmons) 
- Seaside Holidays - Now and Then (K Leeds)

- Schools in the Past (K Leeds)

- Seasides in the Past (Joy Owen) DOC zipped
Medieval Britain Planning (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
Medieval Kingdoms (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
- Character Empathy (Audrey Leppington)
- Scottish Wars of Independence Timeline Cards
(J. Reid) DOC
- Royal Family Trees (Eddie Davison) DOC
Indus Valley Planning (A. Siddiqui) DOC
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee (Claire Hamilton)

 Prehistoric Britain Web Research (Rachel Welch) DOC