- The Tudors (Ed Carr)
- The Life and Family of Henry VIII (Mark Dolphin) PDF
- Henry VIII -fact, opinion or fiction (Jo Garton) PDF
- Henry VIII Assembly (Caroline McFadyen) DOC
- A job for a King (Emma Norris) PDF
- What did Henry VIII do all day? (Hayley Roberts) DOC
- Henry VIII's wives (Teacher's Notes) (Natalie Crawford) DOC
- Why did Henry VIII marry six times? (Claire Gaskell)
- The Six Wives of Henry VIII (Karen Millard)
- Henry VIII's Wives (Sadie-Marie Cook)
- Henry VIII's Problems (Peter Flanagan)
- Henry VIII and his 6 Wives (K Leeds)
(Welsh translation by Iona Venables)
- The Six Wives of Henry VIII (research) (Jo Garton) PDF
- Henry VIII's Wives (-) DOC
- The Wives of Henry VIII (Sadie-Marie Cook) PDF
- Henry VIII Description (Emma Tunbridge) DOC
- Henry's Wives (Emma Tunbridge) DOC
- Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon (Emma Tunbridge) DOC
- The Wives of Henry VIII (Questions) (Louise Pickering) PDF
- Order Henry's Wives (Chris McDonald) PDF
- Henry VIII's Wives Fact Worksheet (Gerry Hanna) DOC
- Henry's Wives Quiz (Faye Bertham) DOC
- Henry VIII Assessment (Hannah Lewis) DOC
- Henry VIII (Paul Trotman) DOC
- Henry VIII's Problems (Paul Trotman) DOC
- Henry VIII's Problems and Solutions (Paul Trotman) DOC
- The Story of Anne Boleyn (Joanna Green)
- Anne Boleyn - The Early Years (Chris McDonald) PDF
- Catherine of Aragon Fact File (Chris McDonald) PDF
- Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Cloze (Amra Shahid) DOC
- 'Henry and his 6 Wives' Class Assembly (Roger Hulme) DOC
- Henry VIII's X Factor Assembly (Vicky Astle) DOC
- Henry VIII and his Court (Martin Butler) DOC
- Tudor Family Tree (Carrie Magee) DOC
- Tudor Kings and Queens (Russ Hyde) DOC
- Henry VIII Class Assembly (Fraser McPhie) DOC
- What did Henry VIII do Each Day? (Neil Harverson)
- Why Did Henry VIII Divorce Catherine of Aragon? (Neil Harverson)
- Did Marrying Anne Boleyn Solve Henry VIII's Problems? (Neil Harverson)
- Henry's Wives Cut and Stick (Sarah Holden) DOC
- Tudor King and Queens (Sarah Holden) DOC
- The Tudors (Lindsay Carmichael)
- The Tudors (3 cloze) (Tim Holt) PDF
- The Tudors (Ian Dyde)
- The Tudor Monarchs (Claire Gaskell)
(Welsh translation by Iona Venables)
- The Tudor Monarchs (Stephen Harrison) DOC
- Tudor Monarch Job Advertisement (Jo Garton) PDF
- Tudor Monarchs After Henry (Lynne Hardwidge Jones)
- Tudor Monarchs After Henry (Liam Buckley)
- Mary Queen of Scots: Early Life (Jenny Radford)
- Mary and Henry Stewart Darnley (Jenny Radford)
- Who Killed Lord Darnley? (K. J. Wright)
- Elizabeth I (Lynne Hardwidge Jones)
- Mary Tudor (Joanna Green)
- Henry VIII WWtbaM Quiz (Emma Rudkin)
- The Tudors (Paul Tatum)
- Henry VIII WWtbaM Quiz (Emma Rudkin)
- Mary Queen of Scots WWtbaM (Stephanie Dean)
- Tudor 'Millionaire' Quiz (Lesley Irwin)
- Mary Queen of Scots Quiz Cards (Linda McKee) DOC
- Tudors Fact File Assessment (Camilla Harris) DOC
(Welsh translation by Rhiannon Parry) DOC
- Henry VIII and his Six Wives Assembly (Paul Mangan) DOC
- Tudor Kings and Queens (Stephen Martindale)
- Tudor Kings and Queens (Stephen Martindale) DOC
- Tudor Monarchs Display (Alison Davis) DOC
- Find Your Partner Activity (Alice Sixsmith) DOC
- Henry VIII Chatterbox (Peter Barnett) PDF
- Henry VIII Crossword & Word Search (Peter Barnett) PDF
- Henry VIII Medium Term Planning (Dhipa Begum) DOC
- History of Britain Timeline (Dhipa Begum) DOC
- Henry VIII: 1 - Introduction (Dhipa Begum)
- Henry VIII Worksheet (Dhipa Begum) DOC
- Henry VIII: 2 - The Wives (Dhipa Begum)
- Henry VIII Marriage Timeline (Dhipa Begum) DOC
- Henry VIII: 3 - Catherine of Aragon (Dhipa Begum)
- Henry VIII: 5 -Anne of Cleves (Dhipa Begum)
- Henry VIII: 6 - Quiz (Dhipa Begum)
- Wives Sequence Cards (Dhipa Begum) Small DOC - Large DOC
- The Second Wife Assembly (Sara Nealon) DOC