The Tudors (Ed Carr)
- The Life and Family of Henry VIII (Mark Dolphin) PDF
- Henry VIII -fact, opinion or fiction (Jo Garton) PDF
- Henry VIII Assembly (Caroline McFadyen) DOC
- A job for a King (Emma Norris) PDF
- What did Henry VIII do all day? (Hayley Roberts) DOC
- Henry VIII's wives (Teacher's Notes) (Natalie Crawford) DOC
- Why did Henry VIII marry six times? (Claire Gaskell)
- The Six Wives of Henry VIII (Karen Millard)

Henry VIII's Wives (Sadie-Marie Cook) 
- Henry VIII's Problems (Peter Flanagan)

- Henry VIII and his 6 Wives (K Leeds)

(Welsh translation by Iona Venables) 
- The Six Wives of Henry VIII (research) (Jo Garton) PDF
- Henry VIII's Wives (-) DOC
The Wives of Henry VIII (Sadie-Marie Cook) PDF
 Henry VIII Description (Emma Tunbridge) DOC
 Henry's Wives (Emma Tunbridge) DOC
 Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon (Emma Tunbridge) DOC
- The Wives of Henry VIII (Questions) (Louise Pickering) PDF
- Order Henry's Wives (Chris McDonald) PDF
 Henry VIII's Wives Fact Worksheet (Gerry Hanna) DOC
- Henry's Wives Quiz (Faye Bertham) DOC
Henry VIII Assessment (Hannah Lewis) DOC
Henry VIII (Paul Trotman) DOC
Henry VIII's Problems (Paul Trotman) DOC
Henry VIII's Problems and Solutions (Paul Trotman) DOC
The Story of Anne Boleyn (Joanna Green) 
- Anne Boleyn - The Early Years (Chris McDonald) PDF
- Catherine of Aragon Fact File (Chris McDonald) PDF
- Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Cloze (Amra Shahid) DOC
 'Henry and his 6 Wives' Class Assembly (Roger Hulme) DOC
Henry VIII's X Factor Assembly (Vicky Astle) DOC
Henry VIII and his Court (Martin Butler) DOC
- Tudor Family Tree (Carrie Magee) DOC
- Tudor Kings and Queens (Russ Hyde) DOC
Henry VIII Class Assembly (Fraser McPhie) DOC
What did Henry VIII do Each Day? (Neil Harverson) 
Why Did Henry VIII Divorce Catherine of Aragon? (Neil Harverson) 
Did Marrying Anne Boleyn Solve Henry VIII's Problems? (Neil Harverson) 
Henry's Wives Cut and Stick (Sarah Holden) DOC
Tudor King and Queens (Sarah Holden) DOC
- The Tudors (Lindsay Carmichael)

- The Tudors (3 cloze) (Tim Holt) PDF
  The Tudors (Ian Dyde) 
- The Tudor Monarchs (Claire Gaskell)

(Welsh translation by Iona Venables) 
- The Tudor Monarchs (Stephen Harrison) DOC
- Tudor Monarch Job Advertisement (Jo Garton) PDF
- Tudor Monarchs After Henry (Lynne Hardwidge Jones)

- Tudor Monarchs After Henry (Liam Buckley)

- Mary Queen of Scots: Early Life (Jenny Radford)

- Mary and Henry Stewart Darnley (Jenny Radford)

- Who Killed Lord Darnley? (K. J. Wright)

- Elizabeth I (Lynne Hardwidge Jones)

Mary Tudor (Joanna Green) 
Henry VIII WWtbaM Quiz (Emma Rudkin) 
- The Tudors (Paul Tatum)

- Henry VIII WWtbaM Quiz (Emma Rudkin)

- Mary Queen of Scots WWtbaM (Stephanie Dean)

- Tudor 'Millionaire' Quiz (Lesley Irwin)

- Mary Queen of Scots Quiz Cards (Linda McKee) DOC
Tudors Fact File Assessment (Camilla Harris) DOC
(Welsh translation by Rhiannon Parry) DOC
- Henry VIII and his Six Wives Assembly (Paul Mangan) DOC
- Tudor Kings and Queens (Stephen Martindale)

- Tudor Kings and Queens (Stephen Martindale) DOC
Tudor Monarchs Display (Alison Davis) DOC
- Find Your Partner Activity (Alice Sixsmith) DOC
Henry VIII Chatterbox (Peter Barnett) PDF
 Henry VIII Crossword & Word Search (Peter Barnett) PDF
Henry VIII Medium Term Planning (Dhipa Begum) DOC
History of Britain Timeline (Dhipa Begum) DOC
Henry VIII: 1 - Introduction (Dhipa Begum) 
Henry VIII Worksheet (Dhipa Begum) DOC
Henry VIII: 2 - The Wives (Dhipa Begum) 
Henry VIII Marriage Timeline (Dhipa Begum) DOC
Henry VIII: 3 - Catherine of Aragon (Dhipa Begum) 
Henry VIII: 5 -Anne of Cleves (Dhipa Begum) 
Henry VIII: 6 - Quiz (Dhipa Begum) 
Wives Sequence Cards (Dhipa Begum) Small DOC - Large DOC
The Second Wife Assembly (Sara Nealon) DOC