- World War II: When and Where (Jacky Kennington)

- The Blitz (Jo Price)

- Dress the ARP warden (Sherrell Brotherton)

- Researching Famous People from WW2 (Molly Young)
 World War II Facts (Andrea Harrison) 
- World War 2 Webquest (Rebecca Barford)

- Who was Anne Frank? (K Leeds)

- Wartime Memories (Joy Owen)

- The D-Day Landings (Paul David)

- The Outbreak of War
- ID cards
- WWII ID Card Template (Alison Haines)
- WWII ID Card Template (Richard Senior)

- Women in War (Sheila Black) PDF
- Evacuation Diary (Sheila Black) PDF
- Towards War (Chris Benson) PDF
- Timeline Events (Jane Abdennadher) PDF
- WWII: Important Events (Mandy Smith) PDF
- Using Sources: World War 2 Posters (Andrew Clarke) PDF
- Evacuees (Mike Gunning) DOC
- Why War? (Mike Gunning) DOC
- Key Events in WWII (Laura Mereseger) DOC
- WWII Timeline Activity (3 levels) (Jacky Kennington) DOC
WWII Questions (Suzanne Byrne-Croft) DOC
- WW2 Main Events Timeline (Rachel Wilkins) DOC
World War II Poster Tasks (Paula Gilhooly) PDF
- Evacuation Suitcase Contents (Kate Delauney) DOC
An Evacuee's Suitcase (SJP) DOC
Food Rationing (SJP) DOC
Children in WWII Dictionary (Kate Ellison) DOC
WW2 Medium Term Planning (Jo Taylor) DOC
- World War II Medium Term Planning (Abi Huggins) DOC
- World War II Assembly (Jessica Mair) DOC
Evacuation Assembly (Amelia Oldham) DOC
World War II Assembly (Jess Bingham) DOC
 Rationing It Out (Hannah Boydon) DOC
- Anne Frank Research (Faye Lunt) DOC
- Blank Evacuee Tags (Anne Davis)

- Blitz - True and False (Ashlea Macdonald)
WWII Persuasive Writing (Sarah Robinson) 
 Evacuation Rap (April Hughes) DOC
- World War II (Dot Hullah)
- World War 2 Jobs (Hannah Lewis)

- Who was Anne Frank? (Hannah Lewis)

Evacuation (Ruth Watson) 
- How did WW2 Start? (Anne Hayton)

- Rationing in WWII (K Leeds)

- What was an Evacuee? (K Leeds)

- Evacuation Letters (Flora Day)

(Welsh translation by Iona Venables) 
- The Evacuation
- Ration Book (Sheila Black) PDF
- War-Time Fruit Cake (Sheila Black) PDF
- Where's
Bobby Now?
 Assembly Script: World War II (Chris Cowlard) PDF
 Assembly Script: World War II (Chris Cowlard) PDF
- World War II Story - Ordering (Emma Triffitt) PDF
- The Battle of Britain (Mike Gunning) DOC
- Children's Lives in World War II (Mandy Smith) DOC
- Researching Famous People from WW2 (Molly Young) DOC
Propaganda Activity (Claire Mackay) DOC
 Anne Frank's Suitcase (Edward Bailey) DOC
WWII Timeline (Suzanne Byrne-Croft) DOC
WWII Evacuation Assembly (Louise Johnston) DOC
 WWII Key Words (Melanie Braithwaite) DOC
 WWII Quiz (Melanie Braithwaite) DOC
Blitz Photo Sort (SJP) DOC
Evacuation (SJP) DOC
Rationing (Kate Ellison) DOC
WWII Introduction (Kate Ellison) DOC
Resources on WW2 and Memory Interviews (Row Martin) DOC
- World War II Poster Task (Judith Lennox) DOC
WWII Assembly (SJP) DOC
 WWII Shelters Cloze Procedure (Rick Ormiston) DOC
Life on the Homefront Assembly (Oliver Grimwood) DOC
- WW2 Timeline Display Cards (Leah Wright) PDF
- Victory Gardens (Perimeter and Area) (Hannah Boydon) DOC
- The Blitz - Setting the Scene (Olivia Thomas) DOC
 Children in WW2 (Lois Rowling) (zipped)
- WW2 Wordsearch & Crossword (Peter Barnett)

- Evacuee's Suitcase (Jennifer Orgill) DOC