- Samuel Pepys (Debbie Edwards) DOC
- George Stephenson Questions (Jane Le Grice) PDF
Famous People in History (Dominic Redcliffe) 
- Famous People (Helen Barrett) PDF
- John Lennon Timeline (Jo Garton) PDF
- John Lennon (Katherine Whipp)
- Pele (Steph Gilchrist)
- Historical Person Research (Cindy Silvester) DOC
- Florence Nightingale (K Leeds)

- Florence Nightingale Quiz (Debbie Edwards) DOC
 Florence Nightingale Diary (Alexandra Murray) DOC
Florence Nightingale - A Brief History (Roz Meredith) 
Florence Nightingale Research Booklet (Roz Meredith) 
Florence Nightingale Display (Louise Pickering) 
Florence Nightingale Comprehension (Louise Pickering) 
Florence Nightingale Hospital Conditions (Charlotte Jones) PDF
- Florence Nightingale (Elize Lotter)
Introduction: DOC - Lessons: DOC - Worksheets: DOC
- Florence Nightingale Internet Lesson (Michaela Rowland) DOC
Horatio Nelson (Steve Hitchcock) PDF
- Your Dream (Martin Luther King) (Gemma McNeilly) DOC
- Rosa Parks (Mark Hayward)

- William Wilberforce (Jacky Kennington)

- George Stephenson Multiple Choice (Jane Le Grice) - PDF
 Mary Seacole Timeline Cards (Katy Smith) DOC
Mary Seacole Assembly (Bridget Warren) DOC
- The Beatles: Encyclopaedia Entry (Jo Garton) PDF
- The Beatles: Persuasive Letter (Jo Garton) PDF
- The Beatles (Kerry Parsons)
Doctor Who "Famous People" Class Assembly (Jennifer Gibbs) DOC
First Moon Landing (1969) Assembly (Jo Shoman) DOC
- Mary Slessor (Caroline Walter) DOC
- Robert Burns (Sally Barker)

- Robert Burns (Caroline Hambly) DOC
- Sir Robert Peel (Sharen Phillips)

- Why Do We Remember Some People? (Joanne Fairclough)

- 20th Century Music Trump Cards (Judith Lennox) DOC
- Yuri Gagarin (cloze) (Steve Hitchcock) PDF
Diseases and Treatment Assembly (Mary Lydon) DOC
- The British Royal Family Booklet Jo Lyness) DOC
Isambard Kingdom Brunel Assembly (Jennifer Gibbs) DOC