- The Vikings (Karen Broad)
- The Vikings (Vicky Boocock)
- Thor's Hammer
- The
Vikings (Jo Lindon) Cloze DOC - Questions DOC
- Anglo-Saxon Booklet (Olivia Ridout) DOC
- Viking Quest Website (Barbara Saleh) DOC
- Viking Research (James Bailey) DOC
- Why did the Vikings travel? (Gail Finlay) DOC
- Viking Artefacts (Gail Finlay) DOC
- Where Did the Vikings come from? (Gail Finlay) DOC
- Viking Maths (Ruth Norbury) PDF
- Saxon Invasion Newspaper (Emma Speake) DOC
- 'Dr. Who and the Vikings' Class Assembly (Sarah-Jane Grindley) DOC
- Viking Raiders (For Fun) Game (Roger Targett)
- The Vikings (Dot Hullah) *large*
- Who Were the Vikings? (K Leeds)
- A Viking Play (Carol Ormrod) PDF
- Viking
Artefact Sheet (Jo Lindon) DOC
- The Vikings - Fact and Opinion (Barbara Saleh) DOC
- Viking Vocab Flashcards (Jen Lee) DOC
- Viking Houses (Gary Pykitt) PDF
- Thorkel Game Worksheet (Barbara Saleh) DOC
- Saxon Place Names (Lisa Stephens)
- Beowolf Poem (Yolande Clough) DOC
- Anglo-Saxon Themed Art & DT Activities (Lesley Clegg) DOC
For associated Myths & Legends see the English section |