- Odd One Out (Chris Cawood)

- Special Places (Natasha Brown)

- Key Religious Symbols (Lisa Dives)

- Inspirational People - Gandhi Quotes (Urmila Valand)

- Religious
Buildings (Rory Maclean) -
Top sheet PDF
- Easier sheet PDF
6 RE Activities & Notes (Jon Don-Duncan) PDF
Introduction to RE (Scheme of Work) (Karen
Birchenall) PDF
- Interesting RE Questions (Jenny Radford) DOC
- Chinese New Year (Rhoda Holmes) PDF
- Chinese New Year (Sally Barker)

Chinese New Year Class Assembly (Jo Talbot) DOC
- Chinese New Year (Elize Lotter) Introduction DOC - Theme DOC
Festivals Planning (Jas Baxter) 
Festivals Word Banks (Jas Baxter) DOC
- Weddings (Sally Barker) DOC
'Pilgrimages' Sheets (Heather Smith) DOC
- Values and Beliefs Booklet (Kate Hale)

- Creation in Different Religions (Stacey Lawson) DOC
- Comparing Different Creation Stories (Gordon Rea) DOC
- Humanism (Vivien Criddle)

- Humanism Research Sheet (Viven Criddle) DOC
- Places of Worship (Natasha Brown)

 Sacrifice (Faiza Beg) 
 Giving to Others (Faiza Beg) 
 Beliefs (Faiza Beg) 
 Inspirational People (Faiza Beg) 
Special Places (Kate Ellison) 
Places of Worship Planning (Jas Baxter) 
Religious Metaphors (Katherine Morrison) 
- Inspirational People (L Proctor) PDF
- Inspirational People Planning (Munira Gheewala) DOC
Community Planning (Jas Baxter) 
Special Food (Jas Baxter) 
- School RE Policy (Jane Lloyd) DOC -
Supporting Documents (Jane Lloyd) DOC
- World Religions Research Sheets (Kendel Brady) DOC
- Child-Friendly Levels of Attainment (Rona Dixon) DOC
- Rastafarians (Alison Taylor)

- Rastafarians Cloze (Alison Taylor) DOC