- Christianity (Claire Jones)

(Welsh translation by Iona Venables) 
- The Bible (Chris Cawood)

- Christianity and the Bible WWtbaM (Bev Cavanagh)

the Bible is used (Janice Jenkins) DOC
- The Bible (Karen Scott) DOC
- The Books in the Bible (Katie Jump) DOC
 What is the Bible? (Sarah Pascall) 
Bible References (Chris Lockwood) DOC
 Holy Books (Sarah Pascall) 
 Bible Quiz (Marc Walding) DOC
(Welsh translation by Rebeca James) DOC
- The Bible Medium Term Planning (Abi Huggins) DOC
 The Bible (Famous Books Quiz) (Lisa Dun) DOC
- Bible Story Memory Game (Clare Foody) DOC
- Books of the Bible Sort (Paula Alty) DOC
Scripture References (Julia Earle) 
- The Lord's Prayer Song (Ted Hobden)

 The Lord's Prayer (CofE Modern) (Cindy Shanks) DOC
Creation Worksheet (S D Jones) DOC
 God as a Creator (Jenny Earl) DOC
- Creation
Story (Christianity) (Becky Sprigg) DOC
- 'God Made the Earth' Assembly (Jenny Radford) DOC
Caring for Creation Planning (Kate Lowndes) DOC
 Christian Creation Story (Sharon Young) DOC
- Interactive Church (Andy Rhodes)

- Why Sundays? (Christianity) (Heather Slater)

- Places of Worship (Louis Taylor)

 What's in a Church that Makes it Special? (Gemma Peck) 
- Church
Word Search (Janice Jenkins) DOC
  What is a Church? (Jennie Leeper) DOC
- Colours of the Church Year (Steve Woodcock) DOC
- Sacraments (Claire Jones)

The Seven Sacraments (Julia Earle) 
- Praying the Rosary (Karen Falconer)

- The
Rosary (Arthur Daley) PDF
Crosses in Christianity (Ali McNamara) 
"The Pascal Candle" Lesson Plans (Carol Dawson) DOC
 Christening (Sharon Young) DOC
Sunday Celebration Sequencing (Holy Family) DOC
Forgiveness (Richard Colton) DOC
- The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Megan Heys) PDF
- Making a Difference Class Assembly (Lovern Woodhouse) DOC
- Jesus and his Teachings (Lynne Hardwidge Jones)

 What do you know about Jesus? (Alison Mott) 
(Welsh translation by Iona Venables) 
 What Jesus Said About Himself (Alice Jones) 
 Jesus Growing Up (Paula Alty) DOC
 What Do You Know About Jesus? Lesson Plan & Activity (Alison Mott) DOC
- Jesus'
Commandments (Sheila Black) PDF
- Jesus - The Person (Cindy Silvester) DOC
Questions About Jesus (Anne-Marie Clark) DOC
- What was Jesus like? (Rachel Wood) PDF
 What do Christians belive about Jesus? (Jenny Earl) DOC
- Parables (4 sheets) (Sian Davies) PDF
- The
Feeding of the Five Thousand
Feeding the Five Thousand Clozed (Sam Barnett) DOC
- The Feeding of the 5,000 (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Storyboard) (Katie Jump) DOC
- The Twelve Disciples (Storyboard) (Katie Jump) DOC
- Jarius (Arthur Daley) PDF
- The Wedding Party (Caroline Shacklady) DOC
Good Shepherd (Kim Williams) 
- The
Prodigal Son (Arthur Daley) PDF
- 'The Prodigal Son' in verse (A. Curtis) DOC
- The
Prodigal Son (Peter Singh Randhawa) DOC
 Prodigal Son Assembly (Dave Trotter) DOC
- The Parable of the Sower and the Seed (Bruce
Ollerenshaw) PDF
- The
Parable of the Sower (Arthur Daley) PDF
- Blind
Bartimaeus (Arthur Daley) PDF
The Good Samaritan (Emma Bevington) DOC
- The Good Samaritan (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- A Modern 'Good Samaritan' (A. Curtis) DOC
- 'The Lost Sheep' in verse (A. Curtis) DOC
- The Lost Sheep (Lisa Stephens)

- Modern Parable of the Talents (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
The Persistent Widow (Janice Jenkins) DOC
- The Centurion's Servant (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- Ten Lepers (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- Lazarus (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- Parable of Forgiveness (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- Gone Fishing (David Barlow) DOC
- Conversion of Saul (David Barlow) DOC
- Road to Emmaus (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- Wedding at Cana (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
- Zacchaeus (in verse) (David Barlow) DOC
Choices Lesson 1: St. Alban (Gill O'Neill) 
Choices Lesson 2: Ruth (Gill O'Neill) 
- Mother Teresa (Nicola Kilgour)

- Patron Saints (Caroline Walter) DOC
 Other Patron Saints (Caroline Walter) DOC
Who was St. Andrew? (Les Robb) DOC
- Who was Saint George? (Les Robb) DOC
- St. Patrick (Derek Whitcroft)

Old Testament resources can be found in the Judaism section