Using Sketchbooks in Primary Schools
Some Ideas
(Note: this document was prepared several years ago and will need some alterations in order to match the NC 2000)
Along with children’s art portfolios the sketchbook
can provide a record of the children’s learning and progress in art at school.
The sketchbook is much more than a book with blank
paper in to draw on. The sketchbook can be used to develop all the
strands of the National Curriculum expectations for Art. This
document sets out some examples of instances where it would be
possible to use the sketchbook. The individual class teacher should
decide when it is appropriate for their class to do so as it would be
undesirable to incorporate all these ideas for every single piece of
work. The strands of the National Curriculum can be explored in many
different ways and using the sketchbook is just one possible
Aims for the sketchbook:
- To provide a record of our childrens’ learning
in art;
- To make our children more independent and
confident artists;
The rest of this document looks individually at
the strands of art in the National Curriculum and gives some examples
of how we could use the sketchbook to implement them.
Investigating and Making
Recording Responses
The sketchbook is used as an initial way of
recording responses to various stimuli. The most common form of this
is through drawings. However, the sketchbook is not the place for a
final polished piece of work. The children are encouraged to think of
it as the place to practice, develop and focus their work. Some
teachers find it helpful to have their classes work in pen (or forbid
the use of rubbers in their sketchbook) in order to try and make the
sketchbook a place where it is okay to make mistakes.
Sometimes work started in the sketchbook will be
developed into a finished piece of work elsewhere, in some cases it
will not. The sketchbook will act as a reference source of what each
child has drawn and will be a resource for future work. Where
appropriate work by the children should be dated and be given a title
so as to provide a suitable record for both the teacher and the
children themselves.
Drawing in the sketchbook can take many
- The children might use the sketchbook as a
place to focus on shape, to practice drawing certain features, and
to gather information for use on a larger piece of work;
- The sketchbook can be used to practice drawing
techniques such as shading, perspective and drawing from different
- As well as the sketch itself the children
might record details about the item being drawn or sketched for
future reference;
- The sketchbook might include sketches and
working drawings for ideas of things the children want to make (a
separate ‘sketchbook’ is used for Design & Technology
- The children might make investigative
sketches. Through their drawings they could gather information to
give specific knowledge of how things are made or work.
The sketchbook use isn’t limited to the confines
of the classroom. It may be taken on trips or visits to record what
the children see there. Of course there are times where it is more
convenient to do such recording on separate sheets of paper but these
could be stuck in at a later date.
Gather resources and materials
According to SCAA, by the end of year 4 children
should be collecting visual information in their sketchbooks and they
should be able to use it as a source material for their work. By the
end of year 6 children should be selecting their own visual
information to collect in order to experiment with ideas suggested to
The sketchbook can be used as a place to
- Photographs;
- Photocopies of art works – even of other
children’s work;
- Pictures from magazines, comics, cards,
calendars, stamps etc;
- Samples of textures, fabrics, and other
- Titles of music used to stimulate a
- Poem or stories that were used to stimulate a
response; (many artists have interpreted stories and myths in
their work)
- Lists of resources that the children might
need to produce a piece of art;
Obviously, we do not want the sketchbook to be
turned into a glorified scrapbook so it is up to the individual
teacher to try and maintain a balance between collected material and
the rest of the sketchbook contents.
Explore and use media
The children can use the sketchbook as a place to
keep records of their own, or other children’s, exploration of media.
It is possible to use the sketchbook pages themselves to explore
different media on although the children will probably explore the
effects of most media outside the sketchbook.
The sketchbook is a good place to keep:
- Colour strips from colour mixing;
- Tone bars from tone work;
- Studies of the effects of media on different
types of paper;
- Comments and notes on the use of media e.g.
how to mix a certain colour or how to get a certain effect;
Where possible the children should be encouraged
to comment on the media and techniques used, even at a basic level
("You smudge it with your fingers.").
Review and modify
The children can use their sketchbooks to record
their thoughts on the artwork that they have produced. They can take
part in a critical dialogue identifying positive features in their
work and ways in which their work could be developed or improved. In
its simplest form this could take the form of a list of comments
(alongside a photograph or photocopy of their work) saying what they
like about the picture and what they would do differently if they did
it again.
Whenever the children decide that they have not
drawn something right and decide to start again they are reviewing
their work. It is important that their next attempt is modified in
some way, in order that they make progress. Avoiding "rubbing out" or
"throwing away" the earlier attempts provides the child and the
teacher with a method of reviewing what has been done
Knowledge and Understanding
The National Curriculum emphasises that it is
important for the children to gain knowledge and understanding of how
artists and craftspeople go about their work. Throughout the school
the children are exposed to the work of artists and craftspeople, and
some of this information is recorded in the sketchbook.
Develop understanding
The sketchbook is one place in which children can
compare work of art, craft and design. The children might stick in
reproductions of works of art around which they could write
information or comments about the piece. By laying tracing paper on
top of the work children can be encouraged to write in more detail
about the picture.
The children can write comments and notes about
the things that they have seen. These comments should be their own
personal reactions.
Respond to and evaluate
The children can record their responses to the
ideas, methods and approaches of artists and other children in their
sketchbooks. The sketchbook could be a place to compare different
The sketchbook might include description of things
that the children have made and notes on the actual technical
processes involved.