inspired by David Hockney
Hockney's work includes some wonderful photomontages where a large piece
of artwork is made up of lots of smaller photographs put together and
on top of each other.
We decided to have a go at some very simple photomontages of our own.
The children took photographs of each other with a standard film camera.
They stood a set distance away from each other and took photographs
of chunks of each others bodies moving from the head down. They had
to be careful to maintain a constant distance away from their subject.
The subject stood on a table and a chair, table and the floor were used
to raise and lower the photographer (if you bend down you tend to move
closer or further away from the subject).
The example on the left isn't a particularly good one! The pictures
the children did of themselves came out really well and look a lot more
effective. However, I don't like publishing pictures of the children
on the Net so I hope the picture gives you some sort of idea.
This was all done before we had access to a digital camera. I can't
wait to have a go at doing something similar with that! :-)