Paper Weaving
Idea & resources submitted by Peter Barnett |
Peter writes: "I first came across paper weaving as part of the Y5 art unit on containers. I have since done paper weaving with classes from Y3 – Y6. On almost every occasion it has been well received and there is just about no mess!
Most primary schools stock A4 coloured paper. A4 paper is 21cm wide so 3cm width is a good starting point for most children. Many children will then feel able to try other narrower widths – some will not! Templates for 3cm, 2cm, 1.5cm & 1 cm weaving are available here. Also included is a template for an 8 x 8 grid for those who want to produce a chess board. It’s a good idea to have several different colours and sizes photocopied before the lesson.
A PowerPoint presentation which runs through a basic technique for using the templates can be found here. The PowerPoint also includes some ideas for what to do with the finished weaving."