Idea submitted by Ivan
Lister of Deighton Gates School, Wetherby, W.Yorks
writes: "Our head is leaving at Easter, so we decided
to make a giant penny portrait of her. I attach a photo of the
final result. I took a photo of her and digitally corrected
it to the pixel size that I thought would work, in this case
200X200. I then cut the image into 16 equal parts and enlarged
each one on the photocopier to A3. I gave each of our classes
one gridded section to enlarge onto 2cm gridded maths paper
(large sheets). The children collected pennies in smartie tubes
and then added the pennies to every square that was coloured
black using the A3 enlargement I had given them as a binary
code. The result was amazing and we collected over £250 which
went towards materials for an arts fortnight in school."