Kevin Kerr has contributed these guided reading questions. As always, any more resources for this book would be gratefully received!
Read to the end of page 21
What did they never do before breakfast?
Why was Captain shut away for the day?
Why were all the farmyard animals running for cover?
Who was the smallest piglet?
'Albertine sat serenely on her island', what do you think serenely means?
Why do you think the two white ducks were called Upside and Down?
What did Mossop hate?
What do we mean by 'noses glued to the ground'?
How do the pictures help the story?
What are the speech bubbles used for?
What did farmer Rafferty sat about Albertine?
Read from page 22 to the end of page 43
Who crawled out of the bramble hedge?
Why did all the animals jump in their skins?
Why was it a hard life being a fox?
How many babies did the fox say he had at home?
What were the wise words from Albertine?
Who warned the animals to be careful?
What is meant by sitting as still as a statue?
Why do you think that Albertine was so calm?
Read from page 44 to the end of the book.
What is funny about the foxes babies names?
Why did Albertine help the fox?
Why did the huntsmen roar with laughter?
What had Albertine suddenly grown?
Did the fox end up friends with Albertine?
What did you like about this story?