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Plots to Arthurian Legends
looked at the plots of Arthurian legends to see if their
were any similarities between the tales of the various
Knights. The children picked out common elements like
the quest was often for a holy/magical item or to rescue
someone and that the Knight in the story often didn't
follow the code of chivalry and so he failed to complete
his quest. Two example plots are given below.
Gawain and the Holy Grail
knight Sir Gawain set out to find the Holy Grail.
- He
rode through land but couldn't find any adventures. Nothing
happened. It was really boring.
- One
day he came across a castle guarded by seven knights. Because
he was bored Gawain picked a fight with them and ended up
killing all seven.
- He
came across a monastery and met a monk there. He bragged
to this monk about how good a knight he was and that he'd
killed the seven knights he'd met earlier. The monk wasn't
impressed at all and sent him on his way.
- What
Gawain didn't know was that the monastery he'd been in was
the very one that held the Holy Grail. By being boastful
he had missed his opportunity to get his hands on it and
bring it back to Camelot.
spent the rest of his life wandering around looking for the
Holy Grail. He kept getting into fights with anyone he met and
one day he accidentally killed his brother!
and the Holy Spear
Varlan went on a quest to find the Holly Spear to help King
Arthur defeat his enemies.
- He
met a king fishing by a river bank. The Fisher King invited
Sir Varlan back to have dinner with him.
- Rule:
Knights should take off their armour and sword before
sitting down to eat. Sir Varlan had done so.
- A
knight with a dragon on his shield barged into Sir Varlan
at the table and started insulting him.
- Sir
Varlan got angry and attacked the knight.
- Varlan
didn't have a sword or armour. The dragon knight was wearing
- Varlan
looked round and grabbed a spear that he saw behind the
throne. The Fisher King told him not to use it.
- Varlan
didn't listen. He attacked the dragon knight with the
spear. As he attacked him the spear broke.
- There
was a flash of light and Varlan found himself on the riverbank
with the broken spear. The spear was the one that he had
been looking for!
had to return to Camelot. He had found the spear but, because
he hadn't listened to the Fisher King, he had broken it
and made it useless.