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Our Teacher Says
A poem about food.
A group of children from my class read a verse each of
this for a Harvest Festival one year. All the group chimed
in for the 'Our teacher says' parts.
Our teacher says
Our teacher says that pasta is good for you.
It's full of carbohydrates, which give you energy.
We should eat lots of pasta.
Our teacher says.
Our teacher says that beans are full of protein.
Protein helps you grow and helps repair your
We should eat lots of beans.
Our teacher says.
Our teacher says that you should eat cereals.
They're full of fibre, which helps you digest
your food.
We should eat Weetabix for breakfast.
Our teacher says.
Our teacher says that fruit and vegetables are
good for you.
They're full of vitamins and minerals, which
keep your body healthy.
We should eat fruit and veg.
Our teacher says.
But what we want to know is.
How come, sir, you just always seem to eat chocolate?
"Be quiet and get on with your work!"
Our teacher says.
- Gareth Pitchford