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Poetry Ideas
Riddles / Guess Who?
Guess Who?
The children had to think of a person to write a poem about.
For that person they had to think what type of animal, what
type of weather, what time of day, what piece of clothing and
what kind of food they were.
The answers are written backwards.
Guess Who?
By Jade Wells
He is yellow.
He reminds me of a bright person.
He is warm, kind, helpful, happy and always around us.
He likes 12.00am when everyone is asleep
because he thinks we're cute.
Who is he? DOG
By Nicholas, Kayleigh, Wayne, Christopher and Karen.
Green is round.
Green is a plant.
Green eats flies.
Green is bushy and spiky.
Green is good for you.
Green is something we don't like to eat.
The group thought of things that were the colour green and used
their ideas to make this poem where you have to guess what the
things mentioned in each line are.
Playground Rhymes
We looked at playground rhymes and chants and the children had
to come up with their own rhymes.
A Playground Rhyme
Created by Charlotte
My mummy got the measles.
Oh no, Oh no.
I can not phone the doctor.
No no, No no.
Can I have a tablet?
Yes yes, Yes yes.
But can I have some water?
No no, No no
You can not!
Following our work on alliteration some of the class used their
knowledge to create simple alliterative poems.
An Alliterative Poem
By Martin
One wonderful werewolf,
Two tall trees,
Three friendly friends,
Four thin fishes,
Five furry foxes,
Six silly soldiers,
Seven smelly socks,
Eight evil eggs,
Nine nice nicknames,
Ten tidy teddies.