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'Hercules: Operation Snowsearch' By Peter Clover
Kevin Kerr has contributed these guided reading questions. As always, any more resources for this book would be gratefully received!
What time did Jack wake up on Saturday morning?
What was the name of the old steam train/
Where was Hercules curled up asleep?
What type of dog was Bambi?
Who did Bambi belong to?
What shape were the Widdenham Clumps?
Who sometimes set nasty traps?
Who was Mr Bodkin?
What animals had been caught in traps last week according to Mr Bodkin?
How much did Mr Bodkin offer per trap found?
Why were Mr Bodkin's sheep all over the road?
Who did Mum call 'The Mighty Midget'?
Why was mud and earth flying everywhere?
How did Hercules hurt his nose?
What kept falling off of Hercules?
Who started yelling 'My baby! What are you doing with my baby'?
What was Jack accused of?
Why was the next day so cold?
Why was Mrs Hutchens so upset?
How many hours did they search for Bambi?
Why did Mum say that Jack looked like an explorer about to trek across the Antarctic?
What drink did Jack have in the flask?
What did Hercules find?
What was the youth's name?
What did Hercules find n the youths pocket?
What was Spiders excuse?
Where did Jack last see Hercules?
When Jack found Hercules what was he doing?
Why wouldn't Hercules be able to walk?
Who was out on an emergency call?