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'Unusual Day'
By Sandi Toksvig
This is a enjoyable little book which has a simple
plot with an interesting twist at the end. Blue Class
are having an 'Unusual Day' where they all bring in
unusual things. Their teacher doesn't think Jessica
should've brought her granny. Jessica disagrees...
her granny is very unusual.
All these activities were done as follow-up homeworks
after reading the book in class.
Unusual Day
Make a list of the things that you could bring in if our class
had a 'Blue Day'.
What animals could you bring in for a 'Pet Day'?
Try and think of some interesting things that you could bring
in for an 'Unusual Day'.
Jessica's Granny
Jessica wanted to bring her granny in on 'Unusual Day'. Pretend
that you are Jessica. Write down the reasons that you think
you should be allowed to bring your granny in for 'Unusual Day'.
Why is she an unusual granny? Why is she not like normal grannies?
The Fire
For homework, design a poster to tell people what to do if they
discover a fire in a building. Your poster could tell people
how to prevent fires or what precautions to take.
The Rescue of Bunsie
Who? What? Why? Where? When?
Pretend that you are a newspaper reporter who is reporting on
Bunsie's rescue from the fire. Write a newspaper article on
how Bunsie was rescued.
You may need to use these names: Kristian, Jessica, Mrs Heathrington,
Blue Class, Miss Johnson, Jessica's granny, Phoebe, Reuben,
and Michael Jackson.