What does it do?
What does it do?
It makes us better writers,
Makes us better writers,
Both me and you, me and you.
First comes V,
First comes V,
Always choose the best word, always choose the best word.
The best you've heard. The best you've heard.
C are connectives, C are connectives.
What do they do?
What do they do?
They join sentences together, join sentences together.
And stick them like glue, Stick them like glue.
O are openers, O are openers.
Yes you've guessed. Yes you've guessed.
They start sentences and stories, start sentencers and stories.
With words that are best, Words that are best.
P is punctuation, P is punctuation.
Capital letters and full stops, capital letters and full stops.
Question marks and speech marks. Question marks and speech marks.
Commas and dots, commas and dots.
Now we know it, now we know it.
V C O P, V C O P
We'll be the best writers, be the best writers.
The best we can be. The best we can be. |