Speed Circle
A simple activity to improve speed of
mental calculations
This is just a rather basic idea to develop some speed in mental
calculations. I'm sure many people use it already. The activity should be timed.
A specified number of children stand in a
circle (or sit/stand around their table). The teacher gives one
person a starting number. They then have to carry out a specified
operation on that number (which has been given to the group in
advance). The child says the answer and his/her answer is the number
that the next child has to perform the operation on. This continues
round and round the circle until a target number is passed.
E.g. "Okay, I want you to add on 5 this
time until you get past 40. Your starting number is 2." "7".. "12"..
"17"... etc .. "42" stop!
Obviously you can use this to test and
practise a wide variety of things. E.g. adding/subtracting 10 to
numbers, adding/subtracting decimals etc.