'Oł est...?'
idea contributed by Emma Gibson
Emma writes: 'One idea I have used with year 7 but would be appropriate to ounger
pupils is
"oł est...?"
You need 2 items for example toothbrush and toothpaste.
Toothbrush is the good guy
Toothpaste is the bad guy
( use any 2 items that the pupils can hold and hide easily).
One pupil leaves the room and two pupils are given the two items. They
hide them somewhere (under chair, in bag, up jumper).
The pupil outside then comes inside and has five chances to guess where
the toothbrush is. They just say the name of the person they think has
Pupils answer : "Je n'ai pas de ....."
or "Voilą"
The idea is to find the toothbrush without finding the toothpaste. '