'A Word a Day'
idea contributed by Paul Neaves
Paul writes: 'As there seems to be no time in our busy weeks for MFL we make a point of learning a new French word each morning before the register. This (academic) year we have learnt to say "Bonjour Monsieur", "Au revoir" and a few other useful phrases as well as counting to ten. We have also learnt the days of the week and "Bon Anniversaire". The children love this.
To re-enforce this we have a poster in our room with the French words upon it and we alter the screen saver of our PCs daily to display the new word.'
Paul adds: 'Once we have covered numbers to 31, days of the week and months of the year we start writing the date on our work in (for example) French to re-enforce what we had learnt. We also answered the register with a "Bonjour Monsieur" when we did French and now with a "Salve domine" as we are looking at Latin." Linking a language to a topic (Latin for Romans) is another great hook...'