(Idea contributed by Rachel Shutler)
writes: 'The
river/fish game. Aimed at years 2-4.
This is a great game for practicing throwing and catching skills.
What you need:
Beanbags (enough for about 8 per team)
Ropes (2 between 4)
Large soft balls (any other kind will do)
Split the class into fours. In each foUr the children choose
who will be their partner to form pairs.
Next place 2 ropes close together inbetween the two pairs (this
is the river) Place the beanbags next to this or in the river
(these are the fish).
The set up should look like a tennis game!
The aim of the game is to collect as many fish as possible.
Children throw the ball to each other and catch it. If a pair
fails to catch the ball and it lands in the river the other
pair collects a fish. The game ends when all the fish have been
collected. Winner is pair with most fish at the end of the game.
To make the game harder:
Move the ropes futher apart to make river wider.
Use bats and bat ball back to each other.
Use different types of balls.
This is a really good game to play so have fun!'