The Tiny People and the Talking Sticks
Contributed by Ceri Shahrokhshahi
Ceri writes: 'As part of our PSHE programme (anger management) I have devised these activities.They can be adapted to many other areas.
The Worry Bag
This works best with a small group situation.Each child will need some FYMO (modelling clay), a square of felt and a threaded needle. The children will make 6 tiny people. These people are magical listeners. Once they have been made, they will live in the small, square felt bag (very comfortably). Their purpose is to listen to the child who has made them. They listen when the child is angry, cross, frustrated. They take away the worries and keep them in their bag. The bag can be carried at all times and taken home.The tiny people travel well....
A Little Bit More
Sometimes though, the tiny people can't provide the help the child needs so we have a grins and grumbles board in the class as well. This is entitled 'A Little Bit More'. It is in our carpeted area and has a large pot of felts next to it, lots of paper and pin tacks. The children can write worries, concerns, happy thoughts - anything they like - on the board. We choose as a class to discuss these on two afternoons a week. The tiny people listen from inside their bags.
There are many books that can be utilised with such an activity - many myths and legends from the Native American Indians are suitable (and magical). We read several and made our own Navajo talking sticks from twigs and beads to use in our afternoon sessions.