Neil writes: 'This is a fun way for younger pupils to get to grips with building a very simple circuit. In small groups or pairs the pupils need a battery, battery holder, two wires (preferably with crocodile clips), a bulb and a bulb holder. Each group also needs a dice. Assign each piece a number – we always give the battery holder 6 – and write/draw these on the board.
Taking turns the pupils roll the dice; they must get a 6 to start. The circuit is gradually built up. If they through a number of a component they already have then the dice is passed to the next person. The winner is the first group to have a working circuit, or you could see how few throws were needed.
The activity also works with a small group where each person has a set of components. For those with fewer electric components I guess you could draw them on cards. For a variation substitute the bulb and holder for a motor and propeller.