- Being Good (x4) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Mini Sticker/Stamp Collection Cards (Jane Le Grice) DOC
- 100% Effort (x6) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- 100% Attendance (x9) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Improved Classroom Behaviour (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Improved Playground Behaviour (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Being Helpful (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Excellent Student (x12) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Kind & Thoughtful (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Good Behaviour (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Neat Work (x4) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Working Hard (x10) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Outstanding Work (Dan Hall) DOC
- Star of the Week Certificates (x6) (Paul Rushfirth) DOC (Zip)
- Award Certificates (Shazia Naguthney)

- Reward Chart: Crayon (Lisa Carrie) PDF
- Reward Chart: Dog (Lisa Carrie) PDF
- Smiley Face Chart (Roz Meredith)

- Star Student (Girl) (Dhipa Begum)

- Football Behaviour Card (Nick Williams) DOC
- Achievement Certificate (Laura Weller)

- Being Helpful (Joanne Nalton) DOC
- Sitting Well (Joanne Nalton) DOC
- Walking Nicely (Joanne Nalton) DOC
- Lunchtime Behaviour (x12) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Reward Cards (Jane IBE) DOC
- Star of the Week (James Maloney) DOC
- Personal Goals (Boys) (x11) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Personal Goals (Girls) (x11) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Nice Person (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Star Pupil (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Superstar (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Tried to be Good (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Improving Behaviour (x8) (Joanne Nalton) DOC (Zip)
- Treats (Jo Taylor) DOC
- Superstar of the Week (Dan Hall) DOC
- Spelling Certificates (x2) (Paul Rushfirth) DOC (Zip)
- Reward Chart: Football (Lisa Carrie) PDF
- Star Student (Boy) (Dhipa Begum)

- Target Cards (Dawn Richardson) DOC
- Praise Card (Alice Kestell) DOC
- Good Behaviour Goals (Liz Naylor) DOC