- Rules for Fairy Tale Folk (Gareth Pitchford)
- 3 Little Pigs (Gareth Pitchford) 1
- The Elves and the Shoemaker (Dot Hullah)

- The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Dot Hullah)

- The Gingerbread Man (Dot Hullah)

- Fairy Tale Anagrams (Lara J Brown)

Fairy Tales (Charlotte Craig) 
 Hansel and Gretal (Celia Moore) 
 Pippa's Journey (Cathryn Jones) 
The Threee Little Pigs (Natalie Edwards) 
Scumbelina (Ross McGlinchey) 
The Real Story of Jack and the Beanstalk (Jamie Auld) 
- Red Riding Hood Direct Speech (Lynda Hodgkiss)

An Alternative Little Red Riding Hood Story (Emma Nelson) 
 Pippa's Journey Story Planning (Cathryn Jones) DOC
Fairy Tale Word Bank (Charlotte Craig) DOC
The Big Bad Wolf (G. Pitchford/P. Cockcroft) HTML
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (G. Pitchford/P. Cockcroft) HTML
Cinderella Invitation (Marie Mulholland) DOC
Goldilocks Story & Activity (Jon Don-Duncan) PDF
Traditional (Fairy) Stories (Jacqui Webber-Gant) HTML
Goldilocks Storyboard (Veronica Thomas) - Sheet 1 DOC - Sheet 2 DOC
Little Red Riding Hood Adjectives (Julie Barton) DOC
A New Version of Cinderella (Gareth Pitchford) DOC
Problems and Solutions (Gareth Pitchford) DOC
Investigating Traditional Tales (Valerie Ryan) DOC
Jamil's Clever Cat / Puss in Boots Comparison (Julia Ebden) DOC
Elements of a Fairy Tale (Christee Dalzell) DOC
 Fairy Tale Maths Problems (Celia Moore) DOC
 Goldilocks Wanted Poster (Martyn Hewitt) PDF
How Did Jack Feel? (Adjectives) (Sally Johnson) DOC
Fairy Tale Sticking Activity (Louise Pickering) PDF
Little Red Story Twists (Steve Hitchcock) DOC
Planning a Traditional Tale (Katie Polden) DOC
Traditional Tales Group Activity (Chris Hardwidge) DOC
 Goldilocks Wanted Poster (Janine Copley) 
Rumpelstilkskin Speech Bubbles (Amy Judges) DOC
Fairytale Newspaper Template (Rebecca Poole) DOC
 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' Police Report (Alison Richman) DOC
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Karen Ambrose)

- Little Red Riding Hood (Karen Ambrose)
- Three Little Pigs (Karen Ambrose)

- Jack and the Beanstalk (Dot Hullah)

- Traditional Story Openings (Rachael Wilkie)

- The Gingerbread Man (Ruth Simpkin)

Planning Traditional Tales (Emma Price) 
Planning Little Red Riding Hood (Emma Price) 
Goldilocks Play (Claire Howard) 
Clara: A mixed up fairy tale (Gareth Pitchford) HTML PDF
Cinderella Interview (Barbara Selah) PDF
Cinderella Characters (Marie Mulholland) DOC
Alternative Red Riding Hood Storyboard Sheets (Barbara Selah) PDF
Cinderella Storyboard (Veronica Thomas) - Sheet 1 DOC - Sheet 2 DOC
Goldilocks (Vicky Clarke) DOC
The Story of the 3 Little Pigs (Julie Barton) DOC
 Three Little Pigs Sequencing (J. Foster) DOC
More Adventures for Goldilocks (Gareth Pitchford) DOC
Little Red Riding Hood (Gareth Pitchford) DOC
Traditional Tales Ideas Card (Valerie Ryan) DOC
'Three Little Pigs' Activities (Fiona Bell) DOC
 Jack and the Beanstalk (Noeleen Adams) DOC
 Fairy Tale Adjectives (Helen Heath) DOC
Fairy Tale Adjectives (Stephanie Fell) DOC
Goldilocks Newspaper (Rebecca Garner) DOC
 Fairy Tale Smart Club (Celia Moore) DOC
'Beauty and the Beast' Sequencing (Alice Macdonald) DOC
Aladdin (Heidi Stancliffe) DOC
Traditional Story Language (Tracy Blacknell) DOC
Little Red Character Profiles (Steve Hitchcock) DOC
New Jack and the Beanstalk (Gary London) DOC
- Fairy Tale Cards (Ceri Davies) DOC
 Billy Goats Gruff News Report (Jo Blakeman) DOC
3 Little Pigs HF Cloze (Chris Hardwidge) DOC
Traditional Tales Characterisation (Chris Hardwidge) DOC
- The Three Little Pigs Cloze (Jennifer Wilson) DOC
- Traditional Tales Matching Activity (Chris Hardwidge) DOC
Fairy Tale Class Assembly (Barbara Saleh) DOC