What type of material do you want?
suitable worksheets, lesson plans, ideas and teaching tips that
can be used with children from the age of 4 to the age of 11.
Powerpoints and other presentations are most welcome. You may
also send original stories, text and poems that are suitable for
use with this age of children as long as you are the author of
the material.
Is there any type of material you don't want?
We can't accept material that includes copyright material - for example: copyright photographs, scanned images from books or lengthy extracts from books. Please do not include copyrighted stories, poems and text. Contributors to the site must ensure that their material doesn't infringe anyone elses copyright. All material submitted must be the copyright of the contributor or the contributor must have permission to use the copyrighted material in their own work. We can not accept worksheets that are copied or adapted from those in commercial available schemes and books. It also not acceptable to copy and paste material (images or text!) from other websites or Internet resources into your own presentations without the permission of those sites. We don't currently accept material from commercial organisations or material featuring another websites branding.
do I contribute material?
send your resources to gareth@primaryresources.co.uk
as an email attachment. You can send in as many or as few contributions as you wish in single or multiple emails. Please give some indication of the intended year group for the material as we display this information alongside the resource when it's available. Contributors must ensure that the material they submit is their own work and does not infringe the copyright of others.
What format do the files need to be in?
can read a wide variety of file formats including: all MS Office files including Office 2010 and earlier, MS Word, MS
Works, MS Publisher, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint,
Macromedia Flash, Adobe Acrobat, Easiteach, Smart Notebook, ActivBoard files, Open Office Files and
Textease. Please do not copy and paste images and text directly
into emails, instead attach the files to the email.
Do you pay for contributions?
No. We do not pay for contributions. All material is donated freely by teachers from the UK and around the world.
I've sent in contributions but I've not heard anything. Did you get them?
Due to time constraints we only write back to contributors as their resources are being added to the site. Primary Resources receives hundreds of worksheets and it can take a while to add them all to the site. We do not email contributors if their resources aren't used.
haven't my resources appeared on the site?
can often take a long time to work through all the material that
has been submitted. We do our best to include all the resources
contributed. Sometimes, however, resources aren't suitable for
the site or there are too many similar resources like them already.
Occasionally resources can't be converted into a suitable form
or would require a lot of time and effort to do so and are kept
to one side until this can be accomplished. Some resources contributed
contain material that we believe are the copyright of someone
else. Some submissions aren't of a suitable quality for inclusion.
While we really do appreciate every single contribution people send to the site we make no promises to include any or all of the material sent
to our email address and won't necessarily email you to let you
know our decision.
We reserve the right to reject any contributions to the site and also the right to amend any resources before publication. |