- Rainforests - Lesson 1 (Nicola Kilgour)

- Rainforests - Lesson 2 (Nicola Kilgour)

Rainforests (WWtBaM) (Chris Williams) 
 Cutting Down Rainforests (Sarah Pascall) DOC
- Rainforest Foods (Genevieve Lodge)

- The Rainforest (Nina Sedgwick)

Rainforest Animals (K. Leeds) 
- Rainforests Display Letters (Chris Kirwan)

Rainforests Key Words & Definitions (Chris Kirwan) 
- St. Lucia Quiz (Sarah Hume)

- India (Iffat Sardharwalla)

- India Climate (Iffat Sardharwalla)

- India Class Assembly (Louise Johnston) DOC
Planning: A Village in India (Elaine Smith) DOC
Village and City Life in India (Deborah A. Wilson) PDF
Where is Chembakolli? (Sue Fuller) DOC
- Darjeeling Comprehension (Catherine Lee) DOC
- India Questions (Laura McMahon) DOC
A Taste of India (S. Aldred) 
India Topic Planning (Vikki Harris) DOC
India Vocabulary Cards (Khaled Milad) 
- India Project Activities (Amy Aviss) DOC
The Ancient Kingdom of Benin (Fidelia Nimmons) 
- Kenya (Dot Hullah)

- Kenya Webquest (Rebecca Barford)

- Kenya Webquest Sheet (Rebecca Barford) DOC
 Kenya Topic Planning (Rebecca Barford) DOC
Kenya Scheme of Work (Lorraine Leivers) DOC
- Facts About Africa (Jo Taylor) DOC
- Africa Worksheet (Suzanne Knutt) DOC
- Where in the World? (Roy Chambers) PDF
 Passport Around the World MTP (Catherine Bell) DOC
- Passport to the World (J. Hinchcliffe) DOC
Passport to the World Planning (Stephany Hunter) DOC
Passport to the World (Stephany Hunter) 
- Passport to the World : England (Elize Lotter) DOC
- Passport to the World : Italy (Elize Lotter) DOC
- Passport to the World : Germany (Elize Lotter) DOC
- What are Natural Disasters? (Sharon Robinson)

- Global Warming (Kate Lewin)

 Global Warming Scenario Cards (Alison Mott) DOC
- Climate Change Topic Words (Jessica Archer) DOC
- Crops in Chembakolli (Lyndsey Allen)
- Australia Project (Kelly Hare)

Deserts (Mary Petley) 
Deserts of the World (Richard Langley) 
India scheme of work (Rachel Wales) PDF
- Country Project (Tracy Long) PDF
Planning: A Village in India (Ellie Grunewald) DOC
- India Facts Comprehension (Catherine Lee) DOC
The Caribbean (Medium Term Plan) (Hannah Lewis) DOC
Jamaica Assessment (Hannah Lewis) DOC
The Caribbean (Sarah Pascall) 
St. Lucia Assembly Script (Lisa Dunn) DOC
- Brazilian Cities Project (Scott Haxton) Zipped
Japan WWtbaM Quiz (Steph Gilchrist) 
Japan (Steph Gilchrist) 
- Japan Research Questions (Jessica Archer) DOC
- 'A Village in Rural Pakistan' Planning (Emily Maskell) DOC
 Food Origin (Sarah Geeson) DOC
 Country Project (Kerrie Mullen) DOC
- Barnaby Bear: Australia (Ally McCabe) DOC
Barnaby Bear Australia Worksheet (Michaela Rowland) DOC
- Barnaby Bear: Kenya (Ally McCabe) DOC
Barnaby Bear Medium Term Planning (Elize Lotter) DOC
- Teddy Bear Passport (Lisa Cross)

- European Union Research Passport (Lucy Goodchild) DOC
 Greece Facts (Ashlee Rose) DOC
- Where in the World? (Terrie Kearney) DOC
- Where in the World? (Roy Chambers) PDF
- Country Research Question Cards (Sarah Lynham)

- Investigating Countries Around the World (Val Collier) DOC