- Bricks II (Gareth Pitchford)

 Artihmagogs (Dot Hullah) 
- Addition Screen Saver (Gareth Pitchford)

- Dice Sum Generator (R. Lovelock)

- Addition & Subtraction Number Grids (David Cross)

- Plus or Minus (Sheena Florey) PDF
- Checking sums by adding in a different order (Katie Wiseman) PDF
- Missing Picture - Subtraction (Jo Taylor) DOC
- Don't Subtract, Add (Lisa Heap) PDF
- Find the Difference Game (Charlotte McPherson) DOC
Silent Subtraction Game (HA) (Richard Sewell) DOC
- Checking Calculations Rocket (Deb Cadman) DOC
Subtraction Challenge Game (Suanne Sheppard) 
- Addition Investigations (Sheena Florey) PDF
- Subtraction Investigations (Sheena Florey) PDF
- Adding Tens (Ian Mason) PDF
- Add or subtract single digits to/from HTU (Ian Mason) PDF
- Subtraction of small amounts (Rachael Ballard) PDF
- Game: Pig (Lauren Hately) DOC
- Comparisons (Lisa Heap) PDF
100 Square Addition & Subtraction (B McDowell) DOC
- Choose the Total Game (Vicki Foy) PDF
- Choose the Difference Game (Vicki Foy) PDF
- Addition Pyramids (Andrew Woodcock) XLS
- Addition Pyramids (K. Hazzard) DOC