- Area and Perimeter (Debbie Jackson)

- Area and Perimeter Investigation (Catherine Roe) DOC
- Perimeter Resources (3 Sheets) (Zainab Syed) DOC
 Unit 8: Measure Problems and Coordinates (Dot Hullah) 
Finding the Perimeter (Tony Chapman) 
Finding Area (Tim Oran) 
Perimeter (Tim Oran) 
Area of Rectangles (2 sheets) (Michele Zylstra) PDF
Area of Shapes (Decie Roberts) DOC
Perimeter (Matt Lovegrove) 
 Perimeter and Area (Sarah Dickens) 
 Perimeter (Sarah Dickinson) 
- Find the Area 1 (Andrew Woodcock) XLS
- Find the Area 2 (Andrew Woodcock) XLS
Area (Michelle Culliford) PDF
- Area and Perimeter Shapes (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC zipped
Area and Perimeter (Simple Shapes) (Maire Stephens) 
- Concentric Shapes Perimeters (Meryl York) DOC
- Match Rectangle, Perimeter and Area (Chris Hardwidge)

Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes (Paul Robbins) 
Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes (LA) (Paul Robbins) 
Perimeter (Karen McVea) 
T1 U6: Perimeter (David Arthur) 
Perimeter (Leanne Marshall) 
Area of Rectangles (Deb Cadman) PDF
 Calculating Perimeters (Faiza Beg) 
 Area of Rectangles (Sarah Dickinson) 
- Calculate Area & Perimeter (Andrew Woodcock) XLS
- Perimeter 1 (Andrew Woodcock) XLS
- Perimeter 2 (Andrew Woodcock) XLS
Measuring Perimeters (Helen McLaughlin) DOC
Calculating Perimeters (Sharita Oomeer) DOC
Sports Pitch Perimeters (Sabina Common) PDF
- Perimeter of Polygons (Kevin irvine)

 Investigating Perimeter (Mapping) (Trudi O'Shaughnessy) 
Area (LA) (Christine Hare) 
 Perimeter of Irregular Polygons (Paul Cogan) 
 Formal Units Enquiry (Designing a New Classroom) (Trudi O'Shaughnessy) DOC
Quiz & Farmer's Problem 1 (Lynne Outhwaite)
Quiz & Farmer's Problem 2 (Lynne Outhwaite) 
Quiz & Farmer's Problem 3 (Lynne Outhwaite) 
- Perimeter (Michael Ball)

Area of Compound Shapes (Stephen Rawlinson) 
Area and Perimeter (James Batterham) DOC
Area of Rectangles & Compound Shapes (Jackie Lewis) DOC
Healthy Park Area Project (Shelley Marsh) DOC
Measuring Perimeters of Irregular Polygons (Scott Lowther) 
Measuring Perimeters of Irregular Polygons (Scott Lowther) DOC
Perimeter of Regular Shapes (Thomas Bateson) 
Area of Rectangles and Compound Shapes (Dhipa Begum) 
 Pitch Perimeters (Emily King) 
 Area of Rectangles (Dave Wallace) 
 Area of Rectangles (Julian Batstone) 
 Area and Perimeter around the House (Carlie Jackson) 
 Area and Perimeter around the House (Carlie Jackson) DOC
 Finding the Perimeters of Rectangles (6 levels) (Nick Askey) 
 Finding the Areas of More Complex Shapes (5 levels) (Nick Askey) 
 Compound Perimeter (Ryan Hibbard) 
Area: Rectangles 1 (Craig Stevens) PDF
Area: Rectangles 2 (Craig Stevens) PDF
Perimeter Investigation (Arthur Daley) PDF
Farmer Giles' Fields (Laura Green) DOC
Perimeter Booklet (Adam Wenlock) DOC
- Area of Rectangles (using formula) (Morag Watson)

- Perimeter of Rectangles (using formula) (Morag Watson)

Dividing Square Perimeters (Pamela Barnard) 
 Perimeter and Area Spreadsheets (Denise Phillips) 
Perimeter and Area (Adam Wenlock) DOC
 Area of Compound Shapes & Rectangles (Ros Mollard) 
Perimeter Word Problems ( Block D Unit 2) (Chris Hodgson) DOC
 Area of Rectangles (Lizzy Aston) 
 Zoo Perimeter and Area Project (Jenny Bourne) 
 Egyptian-themed Area (Angie Black) DOC
 Egyptian-themed Area & Perimeter (Angie Black) DOC
 Finding the Perimeters of More Complex Shapes (6 levels) (Nick Askey) 
- Rectilinear Area & Perimeter (Anna Jacobs)

- Area of a Parallelogram (Peter Barnett)

Area of Shapes made from Rectangles (Karen McVea) 
Area of Simple and Compound Shapes (Helen Newton) 
Area of Triangles (formula) (Zoe Higginbotham) 
Surface area of 3D shapes (2 sheets) (Michele Zylstra) PDF
Area/Perimeter of Compound Shapes (Tracey West) PDF
- Secret Message (Area) (Moira Steven) DOC
Table of Measurements & Area (Martin Butler) DOC
Area of Rectangles - Easy (Carol Maughan) 
Area of Compound Shapes (Carol Maughan) 
 Area of Compound Shapes (including triangles) (Chris Duncan) 
Area Assessment (Ginny Dorrington) PDF
Area: Compound Shapes (Craig Stevens) PDF
Area of shapes made from rectangles (5 sheets) (Michele Zylstra) PDF
Area of Triangles (Tracey West) PDF
Compound Shapes - Area and Perimeter (Alistair Johnson) 
Area of Compound Shapes (Helen Newton) DOC
Perimeter of Compound Shapes (Helen Newton) DOC
Area and Perimeter Jigsaw (Peter Barnett) 
 Surface Area (Rachel Walton) 