The Solar System & Beyond (Liam Buckley) 
The Earth, Moon & Sun (Pam Greenhouse) 
Solar System (WWtBaM) (Chris Williams) 
Phases of the Moon (Peter Cobb) 
- Magnetism
Experiments (3 sheets) (Sheila Black) PDF
- Gravity
Activity & Resource Pack (Jon Don-Duncan) PDF
- Earth,
Sun and Moon (Kate Wood)
- Force
Pictures (Claire Herring) PDF
- The
Earth, Sun & Moon Vocab (Janice Jenkins) DOC
- Earth & Space Vocab (Iffat Sardharwalla) DOC
- Sunrise & Sunset (Chris Skeats) DOC
- Phases of the Moon (Benjamin Greaves) PDF
 Space Puzzles (Peter Barnett) PDF
 Space Quiz (Sara Louise Zborowski) DOC
- Phases of the Moon (Amanda Hollis) DOC
- Name The Planets (Andrew Proctor) DOC
Out of This World Planning (Vikki Harris) DOC
Size Comparison - Earth, Moon, Sun (Nigel Padington) 
Key Vocab: Earth, Moon & Sun (Kim Barnes) PDF
 Seasons (Richard Queripel) DOC
 Seasons Diagram (Richard Queripel) DOC
Survey of Saturn (Rachel Steiner / Intech) 
- Earth, Sun & Moon True or False? (Meryl York) DOC
Earth, Moon & Sun True or False (Hannah Macfadyen) 
- The Moon (Clare Willis)

 The Earth & Beyond (Georgina Burtenshaw) 
Showing the Earth is Round (Rachel Barker) 
- The Earth and Beyond WWtbaM (Angela Mance)

- Earth, Sun & Moon Assesment (Deborah Cadman)
- Investigating Springs (C Evans)
- Vocab Sheet: Earth In Space (Robert Drummond) PDF
- Earth, Sun & Moon (Michelle Haskew) PDF
- The Earth, Moon and Sun (Mark Dolphin) PDF
 The Planets (Delyth Jones) DOC (LA) DOC
The Internal Structure of the Earth (Claire Mackay) DOC
- Space Quiz (Iffat Sardharwalla) DOC
- Our Solar System (Iffat Sardharwalla) DOC
(Welsh Translation by Rhodri Lloyd Evans) DOC
- Earth & Beyond Words (Sara Wilkes) DOC
- Earth, Sun & Moon (Annmarie McIlroy) DOC
 Space Planning (Tracey West) DOC
Key Vocab: Earth, Moon & Sun (Kim Barnes) PDF
Mission to Mars (Rachel Steiner / Intech) 
Note: Teachers may wish to amend older resources, where possible,
to take into account the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet in 2006, |