Short and Long Vowel 'ea' (Y2 T3) (Sallyann Applegarth) 
 'oo' Words (C Williams) 
- ee Words (C. Williams)

 Magic 'e' with 'a' (Linda Hall) 
- "oa" Words (Lindsay Carmicael)

- "ou" Words (Lindsay Carmicael)

- Long 'ee' Detective (Valerie Ryan)

- Powerpoints (Sarah Holtom) "ai"
- "air" - "ear" - "ee" - "er" - "oa" - "ow" - "ue" 
- Powerpoints (Pip Chambers) "oi"
- "ay" 
- 'a-e' Cloze [
L&S Phase 5] (R. Lovelock) 
- Phonemes: oi / ow / ur (D Cox)

- Long 'e' Sound (Linde Morgan)

- oy or oi? (Claire Osborne)

- ou as in house (Claire Osborne)

- Alternative Pronounciation of "y" (Jacky Kennington)

Wicked Witch 'oo' Words (Angela Gomez) 
- a-e Words (Alice Irving)

- 'Swap It' Long Vowels Card Game (Gwyneth Pocock)
- Vowel sound 'oa' (Christine Stone) PDF
- er / ar / ue (Louisa Ayling) DOC
- Words: oo (Sheena Florey) PDF
- Words: short oo (Sheena Florey) PDF
- Words: ee (Sheena Florey) PDF
- Magic 'e' words (Janet Holyoak) PDF
- Spelling DOCs (Veronica Thomas)
'a-e' - 'ai' - 'ay' - 'ea' - 'ee' - 'i-e' - 'igh' - 'y' - 'oa' - 'o-e' - 'ow'
- igh/y words (Barbara Saleh) DOC
- Interactive: ie and ei (Geoff Derry) XLS
- Long and short 'i' (Jenny Cotton) DOC
- 'ea' words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'ale' and 'ame' (a-e) words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- ai / oo / oa activities (Michelle Carter) DOC
- 'oa' Words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'o-e' Words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- e the Super Magician (Carol Wright) DOC
- Wordsearches (Ian Addison) - 'i_e' DOC - 'ee' DOC - 'ea' DOC - 'ay' DOC - 'ai' DOC - 'a_e' DOC - 'ow' DOC - 'oa' DOC - 'o_e' DOC - 'igh' DOC
 "ou" words (Helen Nutall) DOC
 "oy" or "oi"? (Claire Tyson) DOC
- Magic 'e' (Lisa Carrie) DOC
'ea' Matching Pairs Game (Louise Pickering) PDF
- 'ee' Words (Suzanne Gospage) PDF
- 'oa' Words (Suzanne Gospage) DOC
- "er, ir or ur" Sheets (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- Long "a" (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- Long "i" (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- Long "u" (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- "oi" or "oy" (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- The "air" Sound (Jennifer Craft) DOC
"air" Sounds (Lisa Chaffer) DOC
- Snap Cards oa/ar/or (D Cox)

- Matching Magic 'e' Cards (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
"ar" Sound Words (Tim Reading) DOC
- ar Word Cards (Amanda Pow) DOC
- Long Vowel Loop Cards (Laura Febery)

- 'oo' Words Match (Rhian Hoare)

- I Can Read 'ai' Words (Caroline Hague) DOC
- I Can Read 'ee' Words (Caroline Hague) DOC
Best Guess Poster - Long A (Linda Williams) DOC
Best Guess Poster - Long E (Linda Williams) DOC
Best Guess Poster - Long I (Linda Williams) DOC
Best Guess Poster - Long O (Linda Williams) DOC
Best Guess Poster - Long U (Linda Williams) DOC
- Long 'i' Sounds (Linde Morgan) DOC
 Long 'e' Phoneme Game (Lynn Medland) DOC
- Walter's Birthday ('a' sounds like 'o') (Cindy Shanks) DOC
- Phonemes (Lindsay Carmichael)

Magic 'e' (with u and i) (Linda Hall) 
 ow / oa / ai / ay / magic 'e' (Linda Hall) 
- Long Vowel Words (Roz Meredith)

- "oo" Words (Lindsay Carmicael)

- 'ie' Words (Valerie Ryan)

 Sound Buttons "ai" (Liz Hollings) 
- Alternative Spellings for "or" (Jacky Kennington)

Vowel Sound Changes (Claire Osborne) 
Words Using 'igh' Sounds (Alison O'Connell) 
- Treasure Chest Game or/aw (Phases 5 & 6) (Emma Holliday)

- 'oi' or 'or' Spelling (Jennifer Craft)

- 'ow' or 'ou' Spelling (Jennifer Craft)

- air - are - ear - ere (Jennifer Craft)

- Magic 'e' (Jennifer Craft)

- Words: ea (Sheena Florey) PDF
- 'ou' words (Deb Cadman) PDF
- Short & Long Vowel Sounds (Sheila Black) PDF
- Missing Letters - oo/ee/ai (Hayley Roberts) DOC
- oa / ow / o-e (Christine Marshall) DOC
- The 'I' sound - 'ie', 'igh' and 'y' (Eddie Davison) DOC
- Spelling: OO words PDF
- The Beach (ea words) (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'Magic e' (Liz Hazelden) DOC
 Vowel Digraphs (Arthur Daley) PDF
- 'ee' words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'age' and 'ake' (a-e) words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'ea' (as in head) words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'ow' Words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- Long 'a' Vowel Phoneme (Kereth Harris) DOC
 Short Vowel Sounds (Norma Tregoning) DOC
- Magic e (Carol Wright) DOC
- More Magic e (Carol Wright) DOC
- ar Words (Vicky Dowding) DOC
 "igh" words (Helen Nutall) DOC
 "-ew" words (Helen Nutall) DOC
- "or" and "oor" words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- Magic 'e' Reminders (Tanja Barwell) PDF
- 'ae' Words (Suzanne Gospage) PDF
- 'ie' Words (Suzanne Gospage) PDF
- 'or' Word Search (Gill Atkinson) DOC
- Long 'ee' Word Cards (Valerie Ryan) DOC
- 'ie' Word Cards (Valerie Ryan) DOC
- "or, au or aw" Sheets (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- Long "e" (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- Long "o" (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- ee or ea Word Building (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- Magic e (Jennifer Craft) DOC
- Vowel Phoneme Cards (Hazel Boyes) DOC
 Magic e (cloze) (Khudija Hussain) DOC
- Phonemes Bookmarks (Phase 3) (D Cox)

- Snap Cards igh/ur/ow (D Cox)

- Matching Medial Vowels Cards (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
- 'ow' Words (Julie Cruickshank) DOC
- are aire ere ear Word Cards (Amanda Pow) DOC
- 'ai' Sound Poem (Catherine Leyow) DOC
 Long Vowel Words Sort (Genevieve Jones) DOC
- Unstressed Vowels (Chris Hardwidge) DOC
- Short Vowel and Digraphs Loop Cards (Laura Febery)

- Long Vowel Sounds (Mark Symmonds)

- Other Vowel Sounds (Mark Symmonds)

- R-Controlled Vowel Sounds (Mark Symmonds)

- Short Vowel Sounds (Mark Symmonds)

'ai' Sound (Louise Byrne) DOC
'ow Sound Words (Louise Byrne) DOC
 Ava and Duni ('ie' & 'ei') Story (Phoebe Hopper) 