- str shr spr scr (Lorna Austins)

- Endings: mp sp lp (Laura Smith)

 Initial Blends (K Leeds) 
 Consonant Blends (Linda Hall) 
 More Consonant Blends (Linda Hall) 
Blends (K. Leeds)
bl - br - ch - cl - cr - dr - fl - fr - gl - gr - pr - sh - sl - sn - sp - st - sw - th - tr 
- ch, sh, th (Adele Beeston)

- ng (Claire Osborne)

- ccvc Initial Blends (Claire Osborne)

- cvcc Sound Endings (Claire Osborne)

scr (Sara Bowdery) 
spr (Sara Bowdery) 
- Inital Blends (Christine Stone) PDF
- Triple Blends: scr (Lisa Dillon) PDF
- Words: ch (Sheena Florey) PDF
- '-ld' words (N Burrows) PDF
- 'fl' words (Lou Ayling) DOC
- 'ph' words (Barbara Saleh) DOC
- 'bl' words (Lou Ayling) DOC
- sh, ch or th? (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- sc and sk (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'lk' and 'nk' words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'sk' words (endings) (Liz Hazelden) DOC
 Final Consonant Blends (Arthur Daley) PDF
-ir- Words (Louise Pickering) PDF
Sh Words (Helen Ede) DOC
c or ch Sounds (Fiona Waring) DOC
- -dge words (C. Williams) DOC
Sort -ck Words (Helen Chapman) DOC
- "dr" words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- "pl" and "pr" words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
 Text a Blend (Rachel Orr) DOC
- er, ir, ur Bingo (Charlotte Jones) PDF
- Consonant Blends (Kevin J. Bowman) PDF
- I Can Read 'ch' Words (Caroline Hague) DOC
- I Can Read 'ng' Words (Caroline Hague) DOC
- I Can Read 'qu' Words (Caroline Hague) DOC
- I Can Read 'sh' Words (Caroline Hague) DOC
- I Can Read 'th' Words (Caroline Hague) DOC
- Initial Blends (Laura Smith)

- 'qu' words (Valerie Ryan)

 _nd Words (Linda Hall) 
- Triple Blends (Lindsay Carmicael)

- k and ck Words (Lindsay Carmicael)

- End Consonant Blends (LaS Phase 4) (Rebecca Grantham)

- 'th' Words (Heather Jordan)
- -tch and -nch (Fiona Barrie)

- spr-, shr- words (Jacqui Webber-Gant) PDF
- 'th' sound (Christine Stone) PDF
- -nd ending (Jacqui Webber-Gant) PDF
- -st ending (Jacqui Webber-Gant) PDF
- -mp, -lp, -sp endings (Jacqui Webber-Gant) PDF
- 'st' words (Lou Ayling) DOC
- ph- words (Barbara Saleh) DOC
- bl br cl cr (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'ld' and 'nd' words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'ph' and 'wh' words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'lp' and 'mp' words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'th' words (Judy Holder) DOC
- -dge words (Barbara Saleh) DOC
ch and sh Sorting Activity (Fiona Waring) 
c and ch Sorting Activity (Fiona Waring) 
 "ir" words (Helen Nutall) DOC
 "ar" words (Helen Nutall) DOC
- "gl" and "gr" words (Liz Hazelden) DOC
- 'sc' or 'sk' ? (Liz Hazelden) DOC
 Blending Wall (Rachel Orr) DOC
Matching cl and cr Words (Kate W) DOC
- "ch" Words (Deb Cadman) DOC
- "sh, ch or th" Sheets (Jennifer Musgrave) DOC
- ch sh th Pairs (Hazel Boyes) DOC
- Matching th/ch/sh Cards (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
- Matching -r Cards (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
- tch, dge, mb, wr, kn, gn Word Cards (Amanda Pow) DOC
- Monster Blends Tongue Twisters (Gwyneth Pocock) DOC
- Consonant Phonemes (Mark Symmonds)

Blends _l Word Search (Katie Jones) DOC
- Ch, Sh, Th or Wh (Linde Morgan) DOC