- Anagram (Chris Benson) HTML
- Letter Chains (game) (Gareth Pitchford)

- Find the Animal (Wendy Schofield)

- Rebuses (Wendy Schofield)

- Word Mix Game (Tim Black)

- Spelling muddle (Jacqui Webber-Gant) PDF
Spelling Word Searches (Claire Wright) DOC
Seaside Word Search (Sarah Pascall) DOC
- Word Jumble (Linda Cook) PDF
- Missing Vowels (Linda Cook) PDF
Spelling Word Searches (Steve Hitchcock) DOC zipped
- Snakes & Ladders Spellings Game (Jennifer Orgill) PDF
- Secret Messages (spelling) (Gareth Pitchford)

- Spelling Pictures (Hangman Replacement) (Diane Marshall)

- Reverse-a-Wow-Word (Lee Noble)

- Spelling Letter Grid Challenge (David Cross)

- Word Searches (Kevin Kerr) PDF
- Spelling Word Searches (Belinda Piercy) PDF
 Noun Anagrams (Mairead Tyreman) DOC
- Word Unscramble (Linda Cook) PDF
- Parts of the Body (Linda Cook) PDF
 Various Word Searches (-ng, -er, ar, air) (Sharon Young) DOC
- Word Mental Starter (Debbie Weissbraun)

- Tic Tac Toe Spelling (Jennifer Orgill) DOC