Year 6 Spelling (David Cross) 
- Spelling Dictionary (Barbara Grayson) PDF
- Word Start Help Sheet (Andrew Shakesby) DOC
- Sorting Words (Sheila Black)
- Spelling Rules (Sheila Black) PDF
- Verb Word Cards & Activities (Sheila Black) PDF
Word Mat (Claire Wright) DOC
 Word Walls (Mari Ferguson) 
My Word Mat (Laura Pegg) DOC
- Word and Help Mat (John L Bell)

- Be the Teacher (3 sheets) (Sheena Florey) PDF
- Learning Spellings Tips (Clair Moult) DOC
 Key Words Spelling Card (Sue Vincent) DOC
 Literacy Support Mat (Sam Baxer) DOC
- Spelling Task Cards (Dan Ebert) DOC
- 'Support for Spelling' Sheets (Jessica Archer) DOC
Embedded Spelling Tests (Chris Hardwidge) DOC
- SaCaWac Poster (Emma Soden)

- SaCaWac Poster 2 (Emma Soden)

- Spelling Board Game (Claire Williams) DOC
- Own Spelling Dictation (Isobel Feaver) DOC
- Sherlock Holmes Spelling Patterns (Isobel Feaver) DOC
- Alphabetical Spellings (Isobel Feaver) DOC
- Define Your Spellings (Isobel Feaver) DOC
- Spellings Crosswords (Isobel Feaver) DOC
- Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check (Isobel Feaver) DOC
- Spellings Word Search (Isobel Feaver) DOC
- Spelling Cloud (Isobel Feaver) DOC
 Spelling Program Term 1 ( Stage 3 NSW) (Daniel Ebert) (zipped)
 Spelling Program Term 2 ( Stage 3 NSW) (Daniel Ebert) 
 Spelling Program Term 3 ( Stage 3 NSW) (Daniel Ebert) 
- Phonics & Spelling Programme (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
- Spelling Reminder Card (Ginny Dorrington) PDF
- 'Words of the Week' sheet & examples (Kevin Kerr) PDF
- Spelling Webs (Paul Cockcroft) PDF
- Create a Word (Spelling Game) (Susan D'Arcy)

'Support for Spelling' Resources (Rebecca Riley) (zipped)
'Support for Spelling' Resources (Rebecca Riley) (zipped)
'Support for Spelling' Resources (Rebecca Riley) (zipped)
'Support for Spelling' Resources (Rebecca Riley) (zipped)
- Tricky Words Spelling (Emma Holliday)

- Look Cover Say Write Check (Andy Cork)

 Statutory Spellings CW/WS A (Peter Barnett)
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS B (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS C (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS D (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS E (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS A (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS B (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS C (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS D (Peter Barnett) 
 Statutory Spellings CW/WS E (Peter Barnett) 
- Silcock Spelling Scheme
(Ewen Silcock) 
- Progression of High Frequency Words (Ewen Silcock)

- Practising Spellings at Home (Ewen Silcock)

- Spelling Activities (Ewen Silcock)

 Pointless Spellings Y3 & Y4 (Peter Barnett) Answers 
Important Notes for Teachers 
 Pointless Spellings Y5 & Y6 (Peter Barnett) Answers 
Important Notes for Teachers 
- Spelling Activities Table (Alison Richman) DOC