The United Nations (Nicky O'Keefe) 
Being Involved in my Community (Katie Jump) 
- Recycling WWtbaM (Kevin Rafter)

- Rubbish or Recycle Game (Clare Foody) DOC
- Why Should We Recycle? (Carol Wright) DOC
Recycling Research Project (Claire Swannie) DOC
- Recycling Banner (Kim Barnes) PDF
- 8 Doorways to Sustainable Development (Carol Noble) DOC
- Classroom Waste (Helen Ballam)

- Energy Busting Activities (Amy Aviss) DOC
- Elections (Jo Garton)

- Parliament (Lisa Stephens) PDF
Looking at the World (Katie Jump) 
Who decides? (Katie Jump) 
- Community Changes (Lynn Fletcher) PDF
Rights and Responsibilities (Katie Jump) 
- Courtroom Drama (Andy Bradley) DOC
- Juevenile Court (Wordsearch) (Karen Birchenall) PDF
- Children in Need (Helen Ballam)
