Friendship Words (Catherine White) 
Making Friends (Katie Jump) 
Ups and Downs In Relationships (Katie Jump) 
BASEAL Theme 2 Lessons 1-3 (Fred Daynes) 
BASEAL Theme 2 Lessons 1-6 (Fred Daynes) 
- A Recipe for Friendship (Vicki Foy) DOC
Friendship Cards (Angela Scrivens) DOC
Choosing Friends (Sally Barker) DOC
- Friendship Bingo (Louise Ainsworth) DOC
Friends "Find Someone Who..." (Paula Townsend) DOC
Sex and Relationships Planning (Fiona Robertson) DOC
- Friendbook Profiles (Katy Waring) DOC
Relationship Word Bank (Emmaline Hartley-Criddle) DOC
 Friends (Katherine Rayner) 
Friends (Katy Brown) 
Changes in Relationships (Katie Jump) 
BASEAL Theme 6 Lessons 1-3 (Fred Daynes) 
BASEAL Theme 6 Lessons 1-4 (Fred Daynes) 
Getting On Falling Out Medium Term Planning (Jo Taylor) DOC
Qualities of a Good Friend (Katrina Reece) DOC
- Recipe for a friend (A. Canning) DOC
- Friendship Tokens (Anna Sabatino) DOC
Family Circle (Jo Ireland) PDF
Who are You? (April Hughes) 