- Predicting the meaning of new words (Lindsay Carmichael)

- 'If' Sentences (Miranda Mumford)

- Conditional Sentences (Matthew Sephton)

Missing Words 1 (interactive) (Vicky Clarke) DOC
Missing Words 1 (interactive) (Vicky Clarke) DOC
  English Language "Jeopardy" (Elizabeth Wells) DOC
The Nine Parts of Speech (Maxine Clarke) 
 Building Good Sentences (Georgina Burtenshaw) 
 Improving Sentences (Clair Moult) DOC
 Trimming Sentences-y (Linda Hall) DOC
Embedded Clauses (Sue Mercer) DOC
- Literacy Word & Sentence Display (Abi Huggins) DOC
 Sentence Building Blocks (Loucy Georgiou) DOC
 Improving Your Writing (Louise Hunter) 
 Silly Sentences (Judith Bevan) DOC
- Introducing VCOP (Erika Bright)

- VCOP Activities 1 (Erika Bright)

- VCOP Activities 2 (Erika Bright)

- Varying Sentence Structures (Sam Plummer)

- Literacy Lesson Starters (Michael Ball)

- Better Sentences Posters (Andrea Mosedale)

Get it Rite! (Spot the Mistakes) (Maire Stephens) DOC
Improving Sentences 1 (Andrew Woodcock) 
Improving Sentences 2 (Andrew Woodcock) 
Grammar and Vocabulary Starters (Ruth Trevitt) 
Clever Clauses (Ruth Norbury) DOC
 Grammar Cloze Activity (Hannah Evans) DOC
Improving Sentences (Robert Baird) DOC
- Too or Enough (Janet Mournard)

Death at the Spag Bol (SPaG Murder Mystery) (Peter Barnett)
Story Clues Answers 
- Pointless SPaG (Peter Barnett)
Important Notes for Teachers 
- The Great British SPaG Off (Peter Barnett)
Presentation Story Clues Suspects Answers 
- The Spag Dress Disaster (Peter Barnett)
Presentation Story Clues Suspects Answers 
- SPaG is a Joke - The Game (Peter Barnett) Notes

Presentation Questions Pupil Sheet Answers Solution 
- SPaG is a Joke - The 'SATs' Paper (Peter Barnett)
Presentation (Test & Answers) Test Answers 
- The Complete Language Structures Kit (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
- Primary Grammar Progression (Fidelia Nimmons) DOC
- Clauses and Sentences (Miranda Mumford)

Embedded Clauses (Sue Mercer) 
Grammar Practice (Sam Fortune) PDF
Ambiguities in Sentences (Lesley Rigelsford) DOC
- Ambiguous Statements (Iffat Sardharwalla)

Clauses (Paul Cockcroft) HTML / PDF
- Ban Boring Sentences! (Steph Gilchrist)

Complex Sentences (Clair Moult) DOC
Literacy Reminder Mats (Jade Robson) DOC
Extending a Simple Sentence (Sadie-Marie Cook) 
Adjectival Clauses Cards (Catherine Leyow) DOC
- N-A-V-Adj Posters (Debbie Kryvoblocki)

- Descriptive Sentences (Lindsay Carmichael)

Simple, Compound or Complex Sentences (Jennifer Craft) 
- Simple and Complex Sentences (Cath Walls) DOC
- Making Our Writing More Interesting (Lesley Reid) DOC
Punctuation and Sentence Construction (Nicola Clements) DOC
Writer's Toolkit (Jo Northage) DOC
- VCOP Song (Leila Behrman)
- Up Levelling (Andy Curtis) DOC
- Assessment Focus 5 (Sentences) Ideas (Leanne Fecenec) DOC
- A Sentence a Day - Task Sheets (Morag Watson) PDF
- Using "drop-in" (Subordinate) Clauses (Morag Watson) PDF
- ISPACE Sentence Starters (Rachel Rowtcliff) DOC
Independent or Dependent Clauses (Russell Lammas) 
Simple Cloze Activity (Hannah Evans) DOC
 Improving Sentences (Rachel Hough) 
Sentence Analysis (Andy Bowman)
 Up-levelling Writing Word Mat (Victoria Scott) 
Secret Sentences Game (Caroline Andrews) DOC zipped
Determiners (Peter Barnett) Notes: 
Making Sentence Openers Interesting & Varied (Maggie Boreham) 
- Sentence Writing Peer Evaluation (Cherie Rothery) DOC
- Clauses and Phrases (Jim Usher)

 Grammar Starter: Analogies (Ivan Kettlewell) 
 Grammar Starter: Interjections (Ivan Kettlewell) 
 Grammar Starter: Interrogative Words (Ivan Kettlewell) 
 Grammar Starter: Verbs (Ivan Kettlewell) 
Parts of Speech Revision (Xenon Booth) 