Sally Gardner |
Sarah Garland |
Alan Garner |
'The Boy Who Could Fly'
DOC (Kevin Kerr)
'The Weirdstone of Brisingamen'
DOC (Vanessa Hall)
Eve Garnett |
Jamila Gavin |
Paul Geraghty |
'Someone's Watching Someone's Waiting'
DOC (Louise Whitby)
'The Hunter'
Planning/Activities DOC (Louise Macdonald)
Morris Gleitzman |
Keith Gray |
Nigel Gray |
Plans and Tasks (Amy Rowland) DOC
True or False? (Amy Rowland) DOC
Chapters 1 & 2 Comprehension (Tim Bannister) DOC
Chapters 4 - 6 Comprehension (Tim Bannister) DOC |
'The Runner'
DOC (Louise Whitby)
'A Balloon for Grandad'
DOC (Glenn Leeder)
Sylvia Green |
'The Best Dog in the World'
Reading Resources (Lorna Grant)  |
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