Gene Kemp |
Anna Kenna |
Judith Kerr |
'The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tyler'
Reading Response Sheet (Chris de Cordova)
Guided Reading Questions DOC (Rowan White)
'The Bad Dad List'
Guided Reading DOC (Rachael Durneen)
'Mog and the Baby'
 Questions DOC (Melanie Braithwaite)
Judith Kerr |
Judith Kerr |
Clive King |
'When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit'
Questions DOC (Sarah Clements)
'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'
Resources (Frances Adams) DOC
'Stig of the Dump'
Guided Reading DOC(Rosie Martin)
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
'Noah's Brother'
Task Cards DOC (Linda McCormick)
'Martin's Mice'
PDF (Barbara Saleh)
'George Speaks'
Resources DOC (Shirley Parkhill)
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
'Lady Daisy'
Workbook DOC (Angie Blackl)
'The Hodgeheg'
Workbook DOC (Angie Blackl)
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
'Dick King Smith
Book Work DOC (Carol Anne Fecke)
'Happy Mouseday'
Book Work DOC (Angie Black)
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
Dick King Smith |
'The Magic Carpet Slippers'
Workbook (E. Reece) DOC
'The Queen's Nose'
Reading Resources (Lorna Grant) 
Laurie Krebs |
'We All Went On Safari'
Weekly Plan (Alexandra Farmer) DOC
Counting Book Planning Sheet (Alexandra Farmer) DOC |
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