Ross MacKenzie |
Jean May |
Jean May |
Guided Reading DOC (Naomi Candy)
Guided Reading DOC (Naomi Candy)
Michelle Magorian |
Margaret Mahy |
Andrew Matthes & Bee Willey |
'Goodnight Mr Tom'
Workbook DOC (Angie Black)
Guided Reading DOC (Naomi Candy)
'Fingers on the Back of the Neck'
Reading Response Sheet (Chris de Cordova)
'Bob Robber and Dancing Jane'
Characters (Jim Usher)
Geraldine McCaughrean |
Geraldine McCaughrean |
Geraldine McCaughrean |
'Saint George and the Dragon'
Guided Reading Notes DOC (Rachael Durneen)
'Fig's Giant'
 Guided Reading Booklet (Samantha Morgan) DOC
Questions (Nick Hutson) DOC
David McKee |
Jonathan Meres |
Sue Mongredien |
'Fame Thing'
Reading Activities (Lee Robb) DOC
''Oliver Moon and the Monster Mystery'
Guided Reading (Sam Nurser)
Sue Mongredien |
Bel Mooney |
Inga Moore |
'Oliver Moon and the Spider Spell'
Guided Reading (Sam Nurser) '
'Six Dinner Sid'
Comprehension DOC (Melanie Braithwaite)
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
'Blodin the Beast'
Guided Reading Notes DOC (Rachael Durneen)
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
'Fox Friend'
Reading Activities (Lee Robb) DOC
'Why the Whales Came'
DOC (Steven Peter Jones)
Guided Reading DOC (Edwina Priddle)
'Albertine, Goose Queen'
Michael Morpurgo Website Work DOC (Barbara Saleh)
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
Guided Reading Notes DOC (Rachael Durneen)
'Escape from Shangri-La'
Questions DOC (Maeve Savage)
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
'Friend or Foe'
Guided Reading DOC (Vanessa Hall)
Reading Response Sheet (Chris de Cordova)
Plans & Tasks (Amy Rowland) DOC
True or False? (Amy Rowland) DOC
'The Silver Swan'
Guided Reading DOC (Louise Macdonald) |
'The Giant's Necklace'
Questions DOC (Tracey West) |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
'Kensuke's Kingdom'
Guided Reading DOC (Vanessa Hall)
Kensuke Poem DOC (Helen Ede)
Reading Response Sheet (Chris de Cordova)
'Long Way Home'
Guided Reading DOC (Vanessa Hall)
'Out of the Ashes'
Guided Reading DOC (Vanessa Hall) |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
Michael Morpurgo |
'The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips'
Blooms Activity Tasks DOC (Anita Buchan) |
'The King in the Forest'
PDF (Sheila Black)
'The Mozart Question'
Activity Booklet (Cindy Shanks)  |
Michael Morpurgo |
Sally Morgan |
Jill Murphy |
 Comprehension (Claire Orr) DOC |
''Born to Sing'
Guided Reading (Janet Taylor)
'Peace at Last'
Matching Game PDF (Danousia)
Missing Words (Ann Bouloré) DOC
Jill Murphy |
Jill Murphy |
'The Worst Witch'
DOC (Kevin Kerr)
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