Louis Sachar |
Louis Sachar |
Maurice Sendak |
'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom'
Reading Response Sheet (Chris de Cordova) |
Reading Activities (Lee Robb) DOC
Ian Serraillier |
Dylan Sheldon |
Francesca Simon |
'The Silver Sword'
Book Study Plan (Neil Beebee)  |
'The Whale's Song'
Guided Reading DOC (Louise Macdonald) |
'Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse'
DOC (Kevin Kerr)
Francesca Simon |
Jeremy Strong |
Jeremy Strong |
'Horrid Henry's Revenge'
DOC (Angela Pollard)
'Don't Go In The Cellar'
DOC (Angela Pollard) |
'There's a Viking in My Bed'
DOC (Angela Pollard) |
Jeremy Strong |
Jeremy Strong |
Jeremy Strong |
'My Mum's Going to Explode!'
DOC (Angie Black)
'The Hundred-mile-an-hour Dog'
Workbook DOC (Angie Blackl)
'The Smallest Horse in the World'
DOC (Angela Pollard) |
Robert Swindells |
Robert Swindells |
'Room 13'
Reading Tasks DOC (Caroline Hoyle) |
'The Secret of Weeping Wood'
Reading Response Sheet (Chris de Cordova) |
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